The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I hope the cat is doing okay and it isnt anything serious. Bummer about the brush but I am sure some epoxy will do the trick. I'd reach out to Eric for best recommendation as well.
Happy B-Day, Dave!
Thanks Doug
I hope the cat is doing okay and it isnt anything serious. Bummer about the brush but I am sure some epoxy will do the trick. I'd reach out to Eric for best recommendation as well.
Might end up taking the cat in. We just assumed it was build up to a hair ball, but it just keeps happened in the morning. Reading it could be acid reflux. Guess she’s getting old.
Might end up taking the cat in. We just assumed it was build up to a hair ball, but it just keeps happened in the morning. Reading it could be acid reflux. Guess she’s getting old.

Sorry to hear about your cat. As our pets age...these things tend to appear. Hoping for the best!
Yesterday’s shave
2018 shave #269 (DE:95 SE:84 Str:87 Cart:3)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
The Club Warrior of Howling Fjord
Sorrentino Seafoam
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Mont Blanc Legend Night

We were going out last night to celebrate our anniversary which is next weekend, but we’ll have the kids that weekend. Decided to call The Doctor up for the ultra close RX shave. Yep, need much more control than those gimmie BBSs from the DEs I’ve been using. It was a late morning shave with plenty of time. Had a nice creamy lather and enjoyed the shave.

I have been using the Nivea 2 in 1 and switched to the balm thinking I might need the extra moisturizer after the RX. Well I spent the evening feeling like I still had something on my face. Guess I’ve gotten used to the 2 in 1 and am a convert now.

My wife gave me a couple things from Penhaligon’s as my gift. I’ll have to post them later.
You definitely have your wife trained! Nice Anniversary Gifts! And...happy early Anniversary!
Well Dave happy early anniversary. Saw the pics on Facebook. Looked like a nice evening.
2018 shave #270 (DE:95 SE:84 Str:88 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Strop Shoppe Baker Street
Razorock synth
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

2018 shave #271 (DE:95 SE:84 Str:89 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Strop Shoppe Via Dell 'Ambra
Razorock synth
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon's Satorial

These are my last two shaves. The same except for the soap and that I sprayed on some smell good today. Today's shave was the better of the two. Had the discipline to go slow. And I need to remember I need to shave with the straight like I do with any other razor. Take short strokes at first and build into longer ones. The hair is just too dense to be able to get decent reduction with one long stroke no matter how smooth it is. Today was the same BBS on the cheeks and DFS+ on the neck, but with the added bonus of no alum sting! So that was nice. That's gotta be my M.O. Just nice and slow. And thinking about using a true straight for #100 is good because it makes me wait and get more practice in. Otherwise, I think I'd be tempted to do it sooner.

I've never done themed shaves, but I decided to go a week of just Strop Shoppe shaves. I keep them in a plastic tub under the bed, so they don't get much air time. Figured I'd bring them out to play this week. I'm curious how they smelled when they were new. Many of them have the same base scent to me, or close to it. Unless they have changed greatly, I think the Strop Shoppe scents were more mild and suggestive of scenes vs trying to mimic something in nature. Today's was supposed to be the amber road from China. I get mostly a fresh scent with a hint of leather which could be amber.
A week of Strop Shoppe means hopefully a week of great shaves!
An unobtainium theme sounds pretty nice to me! Good work on the passes today! No feedback BBS/DFS is where it’s at!
What a whole week with the same kit? It will be mayhem ... chaos I tell you. Raining cats and dogs, it will. ?

Nice shaves and I’m a bit late, but Happy Anniversary!
What a whole week with the same kit? It will be mayhem ... chaos I tell you. Raining cats and dogs, it will.

Nice shaves and I’m a bit late, but Happy Anniversary!
Thanks Tim! Heh, I thought about going through all my Strop Shoppe, but didn't want the pressure of that type of commitment. What if I get a hankerin' for some GTB or Oatmeal Stout???
1 or 2 commitments in life is enough. Soap shouldn't be one of them. Happy early anniversary Dave. Think I said that but it either didn't post or it was in your video thread...
Catching up, Dave. So what did you decided about the SV brush? It's easy to glue a knot back in; the two that have worked well for me are 2 part marine epoxy, and Gorilla Glue when I was on the road. Or, if you ordered direct from SV, you should give them a shout. When I first ordered an SV brush (direct from SV), when the brush arrived, the knot was not symmetrical, and it annoyed me immensely, especially at that price point. I sent them an email, and they had another one to me in about 3 days (which was perfectly shaped), and sent me a prepaid box to return the one I didn't like - now that's excellent customer service!