The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #248 (DE:84 SE:83 Str:79 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard
Strop Shoppe London Morning
RazoRock Synth
Witch hazel
Nivea post shave balm

Yesterday’s shave. More details on the video, but I did learn I prefer the Nivea 2 in 1 to the balm.
2018 shave #249 (DE:85 SE:83 Str:79 Cart:3)
Parker 76R w/ Baili Super Blue (1)
A&E Grecian Horse
Sorrentino Seafoam
Witch hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
A&E Grecian Horse AS

Doug was nice enough to send me the Baili blades when I mentioned I’ve never heard of them. I wanted to use a razor I’m very familiar with to test them out. The first shave for me was a little tuggy. I’ll give it another shot to see if there was some first shave roughness that smooths out. I was expecting a decent amount of alum burn, but it wasn’t really there.

On the home front, the painting is done! I have a couple of downspouts to fix, but that’s no bigggie for later. Finished up the day with more yard work. Have a ton of ivy on the back fence that by the size of the vines I think has been growing for about 150 years.
Congrats on completing the painting! Always nice to cross something off the list.
Thanks guys. It sure will be nice to not have a months long project dependent on good weather.
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword

Let me tell you guys that for me, this is a magic razor....

2018 shave #250 (DE:85 SE:83 Str:79 Cart:3)
Parker 76R w/ Baili Super Blue (2)
Bee Hive Bay rum
Custom Synth
Witch hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
V'S Barbershop Tonic

KJ, of the spider liking J's, sent me a sample of Bee Hive that I finally remembered to pull into the bathroom. I recall that several people were using Bee Hive a bit ago, but couldn't remember what their thoughts were. This is a nice scent. Not to peppery, not too clovey, and not too sweet. Performance was good with an easy lather and decent residual slickness. I'm thinking it didn't stand out, but individual performance marks were at the level I would buy if there was a scent or something that peaked my interest.

2nd shave with the Baili. It was a bit less tuggy than yesterday, but not totally smooth. I needed a bit more clean-up than usual but did end up with a BBS and again, very little alum sting. From the feeling of the shave, I again thought I was going to have more burn or irritation. So there is some roughness during the shave, but it doesn't show effect in the post shave. Interesting.

I'm feeling my a
ge again today. I was a little too aggressive trying to pull that ivy out of the ground and my shoulders and neck are reminding me not to do anything as hard as I possibly can any more.
I'm thinking it didn't stand out, but individual performance marks were at the level I would buy if there was a scent or something that piqued my interest.
Grammar Police!

I really enjoyed the soap. This is one that Chad did videos of early on. A local Utah artisan. It's among my top soaps. Near Elite for me. I just wish the scents were a bit stronger and that they had more of them. The Crisp Alpine Stream is really nice, though (creed clone).
I have jasmine that grows on my fence and every year in the fall I pull it all out...I know how you feel! But you being much older than me...?...are probably feeling it more!
When I lived in Knoxville,TN I had stuff growing all over the chainlink fence all around the yard. Took a turbo blow torch to it hooked to a 20lb propane cylinder (And it was LOUD) Should have seen the look on the neighbors faces when they all ran out to see what the noise was......priceless but not a word said. My shoulder didn't bother me a bit.........
When I lived in Knoxville,TN I had stuff growing all over the chainlink fence all around the yard. Took a turbo blow torch to it hooked to a 20lb propane cylinder (And it was LOUD) Should have seen the look on the neighbors faces when they all ran out to see what the noise was......priceless but not a word said. My shoulder didn't bother me a bit.........
That would be a lot more fun!
Great shave Dave!

Sometimes we get reminded that we're not in our 20's anymore!
But it's no fun living that way!!
2018 shave #251 (DE:85 SE:83 Str:80 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (?)
A&E Revolution
Sorrentino TSC Legacy
Witch hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
A&E Revolution AS

Another passable straight shave. I think I might now be in the place to start making the improvements I need too. The combo of small strokes, not worrying about making contact with the whole blade and going slowly leaves me with a two pass BBS on the cheeks and a three pass DFS on the neck. I took so long today that the lather began to get tacky. But I figure it’s better than and practice every day than try to speed up before I’m ready and my face being too tender to use a straight.

It’s currently just after 7 and I’m in line outside the DMV that opens at 8. Got here before 7 and figured I’d be the first by far, grab some coffee somewhere and speed through getting a new license. Nope. 20 people already in line. Does no good of course, but it infuriates me that an agency with the sole purpose of serving the public has developed such a broken system that people need to do things like this. Yesterday I looked at the next appointment I could schedule. It was in November!
The DMV. UGH!!!! Worse place on earth! Just checked thankfully I have until 2020.