The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #241 (DE:82 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Karve w/ Israeli Personna (1)
Sorrentino TSC
Witch hazel

Time to try another razor from KY Dave. The Karve is back to a more traditional DE without the drastic curve of the blade. I used plate "c" and I would say this is very comparable to my Parker 76R. Back to being conscious of the pressure being used, but I did get a DE level BBS with just a little clean up. No neck irritation out of the norm for most DEs. It still was a better feel because of the weight, but wasn't as heavy as something like the Timeless. Aesthetically, as KY mentioned, one would have to either be fine with patina or spend a lot of time keeping it away. I also had the smell of pennies while shaving with it, which was different. I'll try the "d" plate tomorrow to see if it provides a closer BBS with not adding any irritation.

Don't know the weekend plans yet. We have some art fairs around, I still have painting to finish up and I got the shelves which will go on the blank wall of the bathroom. Hope made we can find a good movie to stream and relax with some wine or a couple mixed drinks as well. Our oldest got a burr in her britches and asked if she could make dinner tonight so she could have something SHE wanted. Now, this is the one that says she hates cooking, doesn't want to learn and wasn't sure how to boil water for ramen not too long ago. So her choice of making salmon tonight will be interested. She got the recipe from my mom because she liked it when they were down here last time. Cross your fingers!
My wife heard the dropped razor incident from the other room. So I had to tell her about the screen cap and the ribbing. She decided she needed to see the video for herself today at work and was greatly amused.
....I also had the smell of pennies while shaving with it...

2018 shave #242 (DE:83 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Karve w/ Israeli Personna (2)
CBL Russian Tea
RazoRock synth
Witch hazel
Nivea Post Shave Balm

I used plate “d” today for this ZINC smelling razor KJ. Don’t need a lot of details, this did actually feel a bit rougher than the “c” plate to the point it wasn’t totally comfortable. I got a decent shave and though I expected a ton of alum burn it wasn’t that bad. I guess this razor just isn’t for me. It would be serviceable with the C plate, but not exciting. That’s okay. I need a reason to not buy every razor that sounds interesting.
2018 shave #242 (DE:83 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Karve w/ Israeli Personna (2)
CBL Russian Tea
RazoRock synth
Witch hazel
Nivea Post Shave Balm

I used plate “d” today for this ZINC smelling razor KJ. Don’t need a lot of details, this did actually feel a bit rougher than the “c” plate to the point it wasn’t totally comfortable. I got a decent shave and though I expected a ton of alum burn it wasn’t that bad. I guess this razor just isn’t for me. It would be serviceable with the C plate, but not exciting. That’s okay. I need a reason to not buy every razor that sounds interesting.
Glad you can save some pennies and not have to buy at least one of these razors
Nice! When I read that you used CBL’s Russian tea, I actually stopped, ran to my den, and sniffed my tin to get in the mood..... heavenly!

i think you are closer to Don and I in preferences than Dave (who likes super aggressive razors)..... lol.

Nice write up!