The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #240 (DE:81 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Feather (3)
CBL Vintage Wine
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
Witch hazel
Nivea post shave balm

Lots of new stuff today and more details in the video. I got my own Timeless in yesterday. Same handle as Dave in KY's but with the solid bar as opposed to the open comb or scalloped. In short, this was the best shave I've gotten with a Timeless. It was nice and smooth, mild and gave me a very nice BBS. I am not willing to say that it was totally or at all because of the plate. It could have been, but I'm also getting the Timeless dialed in, learning to allow a touch of natural pressure etc. So, I'm not convinced it's because of the plate itself. BUT, I will say that if anything the solid plate isn't a worse or even less aggressive than the scalloped plate. Which is good for me. I was worried I might not get a good shave out of it.

I also used a new CBL soap, Vintage Wine. I think it's darn near impossible to replicate wine scents in other products. I just had another thought that I didn't include in my video, maybe it's not impossible, but maybe people think they would like a wine scented this or that, but in reality it doesn't work with other products. Wine is a fermented product and fermented scents aren't really something that you find in soaps, lotions, candles, etc. Regardless, this is a fairly sweet smelling soap, so it would be along the lines of a very sugar ice wine, but with a very fresh and crisp fruit note. It is much like a sweet green apple to me. I really like the scent actually, but I wouldn't connect it to wine. Performance was great. I think it doesn't take much water to get a good lather with it, and I blew past the water band with my first bowl. So I dumped that and was successful with my 2nd attempt. The lather wasn't as thick as some other high performing soaps, but that didn't effect the performance. Cushion was not an issue. I wasn't able to concentrate on it because I was thinking about the Timeless, but it certainly was better than average. The post shave residual is where this soap is magic. Not because it did have plenty of residual, but because it was different than another other soap I've tried. Yes my skin was nice and smooth, yes a touch of water gives you enough slickness to touch-up without adding more lather. BUT, it also feels thicker like there's a balm mixed in with it. I totally wanted to just let this soak in and dry on my face and see if it felt like after my balm. But in my head I heard that soap is drying to the skin so I didn't try it or know if it was meant to do that. Anyway, great stuff Chris.
Good reminder. Like or you have a better place?

Interesting that the Fine Platinum doesn't have much longevity for you. Have you been in a store that sells the real deal Creed Aventus and sampled it? I'd be curious if it too doesn't have much longevity for you.

I have the Aventus and it does not last for me much after lunch so roughly 5-6 hours
C’mon guys, you’re going to get Dave’s thread locked down of you keep that up.....