The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

That's interesting that you find the Variant so aggressive, even at its lowest setting Dave. I might have to pick one up just to compare it to the Futur
2018 shave #238 (DE:79 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Feather (1)
Fine Platinum
Sorrentino Oregon State brush
Nivea Nivea 2 in 1
Nivea Post Shave Balm
Fine Platinum EdT

I was about go back to an old DE for a couple mild shaves, but then remembered the Timeless with the scalloped plate is mild as one could want, so I'll get in a couple shaves before sending it off and then comparing it to others that are incoming. And it was, nice mild DE level BBS.

But I sit her bummed about my shave. Why? I think I'm a Aventus clone black hole. I love the scent, but this is my 2nd clone and it seems to disappear within an hour after applying. And I think I went a tad heavy with it if anything. Probably a good 5 sprays overall. I'll have to try it on a weekend next. I'm afraid of going crazy with it and not being able to smell it myself while I'm gassing those around me.
Dang it! I’m so bummed for you on the longevity you get out of these great scents!

Has anyone else remarked that they can smell it still when you are unable to? You’ve probably tried just a spritz on your shirt?

Maybe you’re an atomizer kind of guy.
Nice mild shave today, Dave. On the Aventus clone front, sounds like you might be going nose blind. But there is the possibility that the fragrance oils being used are not quite jiving with your skin chemistry and are dissipating quickly. The best way to tell which one is to ask someone around you, (without being weird), if you're still projecting.
I agree with Josh about skin type and longevity. Some scents that people complain that don't last long I find last plenty long. For some reason my skin or the oils on my skin are a scent enhancer. I am the ambergris of the aftershave world. But Josh may be on to something about being nose blind. I would bet that if you asked some one at work to sniff you later in the day (be careful of HR and EO complaints) that they would smell (and enjoy) the scent on you.
Nice mild shave today, Dave. On the Aventus clone front, sounds like you might be going nose blind. But there is the possibility that the fragrance oils being used are not quite jiving with your skin chemistry and are dissipating quickly. The best way to tell which one is to ask someone around you, (without being weird), if you're still projecting.
I agree with Josh about skin type and longevity. Some scents that people complain that don't last long I find last plenty long. For some reason my skin or the oils on my skin are a scent enhancer. I am the ambergris of the aftershave world. But Josh may be on to something about being nose blind. I would bet that if you asked some one at work to sniff you later in the day (be careful of HR and EO complaints) that they would smell (and enjoy) the scent on you.
I tried last night. Sprayed some on an hour before my wife got home and then asked her from about 5' away if she could smell anything. She had to get her nose right next to my shift before she could. Sadness. But I suppose not having a yearning to buy Creed is a good thing.
2018 shave #239 (DE:80 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Feather (2)
Strop Shoppe London Morning
RazoRock synth
Nivea Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

This was probably the best shave I've gotten with the Timeless. I figured it's so mild maybe I don't need to be so careful about pressure. Bingo! Still a more mild shave, but DE level BBS with three passes and two clean-up strokes. I decided to play around with this Nivea 2 in 1 again. Just did alum and the 2-in-1 and left it be. I did get a decent amount of sting with it, so there is alcohol. Drying vs hydrating I don't know if I can judge. It feels fine. There certainly isn't any moisture on the skin like after using a balm, but don't know know if they would define dryness. Regardless, it certainly can be used as a replacement for witch hazel and/or alum unless you really want to avoid alcohol. Finished up with some Opus. This is another one of those scents I think smells different than other people. I get wood like pencil shavings and I really like it.
She had to get her nose right next to my shift before she could.
I honestly don't know what you are trying to say, but I think it's a little TMI regardless.
Interesting that the Fine Platinum doesn't have much longevity for you. Have you been in a store that sells the real deal Creed Aventus and sampled it? I'd be curious if it too doesn't have much longevity for you.
Interesting that the Fine Platinum doesn't have much longevity for you. Have you been in a store that sells the real deal Creed Aventus and sampled it? I'd be curious if it too doesn't have much longevity for you.
I have not, but plan on hitting up the Creed store in Vegas in November.
I have not, but plan on hitting up the Creed store in Vegas in November.

There ya go. And if you do decided to take the plunge on Creed, don't buy it retail. You can get the real stuff online for about half what you'd pay retail.