You already on your 7th inning beer?If only he had stuck with the original Tabac - all would be well- villagers would be singing from the mountain tops of how great a shave it was.
You already on your 7th inning beer?If only he had stuck with the original Tabac - all would be well- villagers would be singing from the mountain tops of how great a shave it was.
HBO had a Mel Brooks special some time ago where all he did was tell stories. He made his WWII experiences, where he actually killed Nazi solders, funny. Excellent entertainment.Got the chance to see this movie in a theater in Downtown Los Angeles a few years back and after it was over....Mel came out on stage and chatted and answered audience questions. Best evening of movie watching I've ever had. Mel was hilarious throughout and side-splitting during the Q & A portion. He can tell some amazing stories.
Good seats, enjoy the game, along with your $15 beers. Seriously, evening baseball is the best.these are down in the squishy seats where they bring the food and drink to you and the players will actually hear what you're calling them.
Well, now I know what I'm going to do when the Dodgers start the 7th inning in Kansas City later this evening....Beer:30!!!You already on your 7th inning beer?
Enjoy your temporary bachelorhood!2022 shave #226 (DE:47 SE:56 Str:122 Cart:0) - 1481 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (2)
Pinnacle New York
AP flat top
Quinn’s Pink Grapefruit and Orange Rind
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683
Late morning shave after coffee and breakfast on the deck. Video posted. I forgot my wife is taking the youngest to Davis to see a play so I’m left to my own devices for the evening again.I mean
. Started studying for the exam, but it’s not until Novemberish so it’s hard to feel much motivation or urgency.
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Just remember that soon you'll be enjoying THE BEST SHAVE OF YOUR LIFE! So there's that.Not shaving after a shower SUCKS
That truly was epic! Video from your phone with the motley crew on the iPad.2022 shave #227 (DE:47 SE:56 Str:123 Cart:0) - 1482 days of consecutive shaving
Shavette w/ Wizamet (1)
Best Foods Real Mayonnaise (chilled)
Silicone basting
Simply Orange Medium Pulp
Nivea 2:1
Blanton's Special Reserve AS
Video posted.
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I'm more of a Beatles/Stones/Dylan dude myself.motley crew
1. Yes, that's the part of the baby's butt you leave alone.Ok.....I have questions.....
1. Can it be truly BBS if you have a merkin in the middle of your face?
2. How did the citrus, milk product and alcohol smell later in the day?
3. Is this non-collegiate hazing?
National Scuttlesoap Acquisition Day? Does that sound legit? Or tell your boss your joining the March for RAD!national holiday to spring up for Friday to give us a three-day weekend
Our therapist/counselor union is out on strike starting today. They want more resources.
Anyway, in my world that meant the state showed up to make sure care in the hospital was happening appropriately
Well, in some hospitals they cover the ED for psych consults. In ours, the ED is covered by psychiatrists so the strike pretty much doesn't affect us at all. But they need to come out and make sure.
Next you're going to tell me you're just a digital character like Jar Jar.I know, Hollywood loses its magic when you see behind the curtain.