The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #29 (DE:9 SE:3 Str:17Cart:0) - 545 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Wizamet (3)
TSC Legacy brush
A&E Khalifa
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
A&E Khalifa AS
Dior Sauvage

This was a roller coaster of a shave. First, @elmerPHuD was super generous in returning my razor and included some samples for me and a sweet pocket knife that will be my weekender one. When I opened the Khalifa I was in love with the scent and had to use it today. It smelled familiar but I couldn't place then. Then when I was lathering I got it. Nuavia Rossa! This is that same awesome scent! Guys, if you don't want to take a flier on the cost of Nuavia, order some of this! The shave itself was eh. The magic of the Wizamet seems to have quickly disappeared. Or at least in the psycho. Still a good end result, but it was pretty scratchy through the shave. But, Todd was nice enough to send some of the Khalifa splash as well so I was looking forward to wallowing in the scent of Rossa. Not knowing if there was menthol in it, I just sprayed some on my chest and arms. The scent was not the same as the soap. Well, it has some of the same notes, but then also this fecal funk like Night Music. I thought maybe it would dry down to something more easily appreciated, but since I was headed to work I didn't want to take the chance. I washed off my arms and covered with Sauvage.

Guys, yesterday sucked ***. We're already down several positions, but it was manageable asking people to dig in a do a little more until we get more people into place. Had someone come into my office first thing to give their 2-week notice. That was a blow. Then I go to get my stitches out of my finger to see it's not healing well. No need for details, but I'm aggravated. Then later in the morning, another of my staff lets me know they accepted another role within the company. Now, these transfers are for good career reasons and not because they didn't like it here. And neither one knew the other was looking at offers, but I'm often just sitting at my desk now shaking my head. There is very little this department does that is optional. This is the start of a tough couple of months.
I was laughing hard at the image of you dousing in fecal funk and then catching the scent ... I mean ... that sucks.

Good grief with the bad psycho, the funk, then the finger and then the staff? That’s a rough start for sure.
That's rough with work. I am not the dept head, but we have only two of us RPhs. Our difficulty is with finding good technicians, who, I am sad to say, are underpaid in most chain pharmacies and expected to work miracles. No wonder they leave for more $$ at other institutions. If I may continue to grouse, without detracting from your situation (but trying to empathize with you, really!), my corporate bosses have made work more challenging two years in a row now, announcing cut backs around Christmas both times. We dig in, but hard to stomach that the Do More With Less seems motivated to put money in someone else's pockets at the expense of poor working conditions for the folks actually doing the work that makes the money for the company. Okay, rant over.

Hang in there, we are in tough times. Hopefully this will end well for you!
I was laughing hard at the image of you dousing in fecal funk and then catching the scent ... I mean ... that sucks.

Good grief with the bad psycho, the funk, then the finger and then the staff? That’s a rough start for sure.
Rough day at work. So feces isn't on your "got to have" scent list? Huh.
Ya, that little whiff was a bit of a surprise for sure when I thought I hit the jackpot with a scent to match Rossa!
@MaineYooper I hear ya! We went through a huge downsizing when Obama care rolled out. Until then we were pretty alone in our business model, but there was a big fear of more competition and needing to be "priced right for the market". After that, we've rebounded in staffing some, but not to the points we were before.
Being understaffed really stinks. Sorry to hear about the troubles, Dave, and will pray that things pick up soon.
Sorry for the rough news all around Dave. Hope things sort out and you find some good people quickly!

and not because they didn't like it here.
That’s a relief in itself. Apparently good colognes do improve the workplace!
Glad you liked the scent of the soap. Yep the splash has a little extra funk to it.

Sorry about work. Praying for you to be fully restaffed soon and for that finger to heal up.
2020 shave #30 (DE:9 SE:3 Str:18 Cart:0) - 546 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
RazoRock synth
Declaration Grooming Trismegistus
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Bleu de Chanel

Enjoyable shave. Currently I'm back into enjoying the bit of challenge that the straight gives instead of being frustrated with it, so I'll keep rolling that wave.

Stuff at work remains rocky and there seems to be new issues every day as of late. As long as we can remain functional I know things will be in a much better place in a month or two. Luckily I was up for jury duty today and was just placed "on call" so I need to call back around 11 to see if I need to go in. But because of this I left my schedule clear and have time to follow-up with folks and check-in with my staff.
I need to call back around 11 to see if I need to go in.
Jury duty isn't the worst thing in the world, though I found it a bit stressful, and I wanted to ensure I fully understood the issues and to carefully listen to each witness. It's important for the plaintiff and defendant, so it's important for the jury. I considered it an honor and duty-bound responsibility to do my best.
2020 shave #31 (DE:9 SE:4 Str:18 Cart:0) - 547 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Schick Proline (7)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Declaration Grooming Taxes
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo Tabac 28

When it pours it...I don't know what it does after pouring. Emotion of the day is despair.