The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Oh man Dave life is lettin ya have it lately! Feel free to unload here as often as ya like. No need to be alone in all this!
2020 shave #33 (DE:10 SE:4 Str:19 Cart:0) - 549 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
SV 2:0
SV Felce Aromatica
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon’s English Fern

Pulled out the big guns for this shave. Beautiful BBS with the SS.

Had a quick trip up to Napa and it had a good effect. I love it up there. Just the views and the whole vibe.
Finally caught up Dave. Sorry to hear about the work situation. I can relate somewhat to the staffing issues. My branch has been operating with 50% of our staff being made up of people from temp agencies. We don’t need anyone with any sort of formal training, but not knowing our computer system is a major drawback. Hopefully you get some relief, and I hope the situation at home works itself out quickly for you!
Great to hear you had some decompression time in the hills. I hope enough to energize you through the current crisis.
Heres a little one from Mother Teresa
2020 shave #36 (DE:11 SE:5 Str:20 Cart:0) - 552 days of consecutive shaving
Occam O.R.E.N. w/ Feather Proguard (1)
RazoRock synth
Wholly Kaw Cuero Oscuro
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Tuscan Leather

Used another soap sample from @elmerPHuD. The scent is interesting. Nice dark leather, but when I lathered it there was a bit of a gasoline note or something mix in there. Interesting. First run with the OREN and I was stunned. I used the 2 dot head and have to say, the thought of having to use a screw driver to change them was a bit of a turn off. There may be a thread telling us no razor is efficient, but I'm saying this one is. No blade feel. Everywhere I did a stroke there was audibly nothing left when I passed over the area again. My cheeks started to burn on the 2nd pass so I was worried maybe this was being more aggressive to my face than I thought, but there was no alum sting at all. So guess I react to this soap. Bummer. But the shave I might dare say was better than the Vector. Total dolphin screaming with no clean up needed.
That's heresy, Dave!
It is....... until you’ve tried it. Now I’m a believer. It’s better and smoother than the Vector. An now I think it’s Heresy to say any otherwise. You really just need to try one and see.

Still a weird looking razor.
It is, and the handle is awkward. Which is why I like the Hiram. It’s the same exact head, but they fixed everything that was wrong with the OREN.
It is....... until you’ve tried it. Now I’m a believer. It’s better and smoother than the Vector. An now I think it’s Heresy to say any otherwise. You really just need to try one and see.
YMMV, I tried it and didn't care for it's lack of efficiency. Glad it's working for you and Dave.
2020 shave #37 (DE:11 SE:6 Str:20 Cart:0) - 553 days of consecutive shaving
Occam O.R.E.N. w/ Feather Proguard (2)
TSC Legacy
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Mark Buxton Nameless

2nd shave with the OREN. I would have to shave with the Vector directly after this to have the best comparison, but I think I would downgrade this shave to equal to the Vector. Certainly can't go wrong with it.

Personally, I'm in kind of a bad way. I pop in now and then to read some posts or watch a video. So you guys are a good distraction.