The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Dave, hope your finger issues are taken care of. Simple I&D or excision, I presume. Little annoyances have a way of blossoming in bit PITAs when it comes to disrupting our routines. And as you know, I'm all about routines! ;)
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Dave, hope your finger issues are taken care of. Simple I&D or excision, I presume. Little annoyances have a way of blossoming in bit PITAs when it comes to disrupting our routines. And as you know, I'm all about routines! ;)
Yes, you and your routines. It's slowing down work a good deal. But I'll just gotta make it 5 more hours.
Saturday's shave:

2020 shave #18 (DE:2 SE:1 Str:15 Cart:0) - 535 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (3)
TSC Legacy
Strike Gold Teddy
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Video posted
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2020 shave #19 (DE:3 SE:1 Str:15 Cart:0) - 536 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell Model T w/ Feather (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Strike Gold Kennedy
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm

This shave SUCKED! Video posted
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2020 shave #20 (DE:4 SE:1 Str:15 Cart:0) - 537 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (1)
Sorrentino Oregon State
West Coast Shaving Midnight Oasis
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal

To commemorate the 20th shave of 2020 I did absolutely nothing special. Simple easy known quantity shave to let the neck recover a bit from yesterday. Interesting, on the bottom of this tub there looks to be an inventory sticker from WCS that says Siliski on it. I guess that's who made the soap for them? I dunno, Don is the soap detective guy.

Dave posted he was stepping back from the TSC. I certainly hope he just means not trying to keep up on every post and only following the important ones like mine. TJ no longer comes around and now this? My heart can't take the roller coaster of the TSC.
Don is the soap detective guy.
Not sure that I am really...unless you mean one of the other Dons.

Yeah...I am ignoring that bit from @Dave in KY. He might be able to keep up with every post...but he can sure post here every now and then. I think TJ was having some issues at home that drew his attention away from us. I hope everything is going well with him.

Great shave today!
2020 shave #21 (DE:4 SE:2 Str:15 Cart:0) - 538 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick (2)
Paladin Honey Noir Oscar
Parson's Soaps Lemon "Puckered Monkey"
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes

Have the Gold Strike box in the back of my car so time to try some Puckered Monkey from @The Monkey himself! This is a hard soap, and normally would be one of the few that I would bloom and load from the tub. I broke off a chunk, smooshed into the bottom of my bowl and bloomed it there. I also chose a badger brush for some extra oomph in loading it. Seemed to load just fine and the scent is great. Merlin and monkey lips had an uphill battle today. I'm might should have used a milder razor for one more day because I could feel the neck not quite being ready to deal with a SE shave. I didn't have quite the slickness I needed from the soap so I added a bit more water for the last pass and thing I passed where it was meant to function. The performance didn't drop, but I had to clean the razor frequently because the lather was less viscous and dropping all over. All in all, pretty impressive go from a monkey kitchen! In the end, everything was BBS without alum sting but I think I need an easy DE tomorrow.

I'm in the post holiday blues and hoping the crud isn't hitting. Just would like a day off here and there instead of these 5 day weeks for the next several months. Back to back meetings all afternoon. While this does provide a free lunch, I'll be channeling my inner @bentheduck and likely not caring by the last one. Woke up in the middle of the night with a runny nose, so just hoping it's a mild cold and not the start of this crud that seems to be pounding folks.
Hope it’s not the crud! No fun at all. I did find the Menthol sachet on the intake of the CPAP kept my sinuses clear.
High power Menthol lyptus action! I did have to tinker until I found the right position so as not to overwhelm myself.
Hope you stay healthy.

I found the lemongrass caused the soap to not be as slick. The soap does want alot of water and as a mug soap it gets better with use.