The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Glad you had a good pre-birthday weekend Dave. Sounds like good family time!

Sorry to hear about the medical diagnosis. Sounds serious. We’re here if you want to vent!
2019 shave #268 (DE:116 SE:92 Str:58 Cart:0) - 418 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
Lakewood Soap Company Prairie Song
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

Just another shave ;)
2019 shave #269 (DE:116 SE:93 Str:58 Cart:0) - 419 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Chiseled Face Cinnawood Boroka
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face Cinnawood Boroka AS

Back to Merlin and the perfect shave outcome. I did take the time to use a badger and round up a soap that shouldn't be forgotten.

Working on holiday staffing now and got the approval to be out of town for the week of Christmas. Now that's something to look forward to for the next few months. It was interesting though in telling the kids. I've always thought it didn't really the same if we weren't up with my parents and sister and her family. Like the more people around the better it is. The kids said they prefer it at home because that feels more like Christmas to them.
Sorry to hear about the hopefully temporary lapse in health. You know how to reach me should you choose to change your mind about talking about it.

Kudos for getting at least Christmas off. It's hard as hell to get that day off around here because all the guys with seniority snatch that up like me around carrot cake.
2019 shave #270 (DE:116 SE:94 Str:58 Cart:0) - 420 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (2)
Saponificio Varesino 2.0 two-band 26mm Manchurian White Badger
Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's English Fern

So odd thing about my work days. The offices in our department are fairly cold year around. I'm one of those guys that for the most part can't be too cold. Or at least rarely would complain about it. But it gets to the point where my feet are cold many days. What does this have to do with my shave? Well, even when it's warmer outside, I think of this soap and then coming to a cold office and think it just doesn't fit. Well last night was one of those where the house had been heated up all day and inside was still too warm to sleep even when outside cooled off. I decided just to go for it. Man that SV brush is a lathering beast. And the atomizer on this Penhaligon's is set on generous so I'm all sorts of fresh smelling.

Interesting happenings in the last couple of days that will make October Disney heavy for us. First, my wife is a member of some Disney official fan club thing which gets access to certain things. One of those was openings for tours of the Disney studios. Well, she ended up getting us tickets on the only Saturday available. So her and I will be flying down on a Friday night, doing the tour on Saturday afternoon and running back to the airport to fly home. THEN, yesterday we were told the strike is off because they reached an agreement. Which is great for all sorts reasons, the biggest of which is the terrible impact it would have had on the patients. But again you may ask yourself, what does a strike have to do with Disney? Well, she had been wanting to take the kids down to see Disney decorated for Halloween. But any time off during October was verboten due to said pending strike. As soon as I told her the strike was off she said "Disney here we come!". And so we are. This one will be driving down with the kids for two days in the parks. Possibly meeting her cousin and family there for one day as well and we should be getting in to Club 33 again. This time we'll try for lunch.
I guess I understand why, but our CBA says we can't strike. But it's great that your strike was avoided for the reasons you stated.
2019 shave #271 (DE:116 SE:95 Str:58 Cart:0) - 421 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (3)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Sudsy Soapery Citrus and Bay
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Savage

I have two Sudsy Soapery soaps that I keep just because the enjoy their scent. But today was odd because this really didn't stand out to me. I might keep it until I try it one more time, but likely to go on the PIF pile. My shaves are getting a little too repetitive. Time to pull out the SS or the RX. Let's get it on!

I was inspired by Ben to post a song today. I rediscovered this one yesterday while looking for some blues albums to add to my online list. Love the song, love the video.

Weather here is a bit odd. We went from an unusually hot day for any time of year, to pleasant to rain today which is also unusual. In another homage to Ben, it is what it is. No big plans this weekend. My tire I had "repaired" has been losing about 1psi every day. So I'll be revisiting that shop tomorrow. Other than that, maybe fit in some Walking Dead.