The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I’ve got the XS and it’s not even a year old, so this next gen 11 is probably a pass for me. If I had a 7 though, it’d be pretty tempting to upgrade.

Wisdom usually says wait on new tech products for at least a few months, giving them time to work some of the kinks out with updates.
Wisdom usually says wait on new tech products for at least a few months, giving them time to work some of the kinks out with updates.
Yes, one of my worries. If it wasn't for the $500 and I wanted to upgrade, I would wait for sure. Hey, but at least for a week or so I can be "that guy". Not the @dangerousdon that guy. But just the, hey did you hear he's got the new phone guy.
Still chugging along with my SE. but my eyes tell me I need a bigger phone. Probly the plain 11 for me, but not settling for base memory
Still chugging along with my SE. but my eyes tell me I need a bigger phone. Probly the plain 11 for me, but not settling for base memory
Yes I’ve been hearing the 11 is probable the best choice.
Yes, one of my worries. If it wasn't for the $500 and I wanted to upgrade, I would wait for sure. Hey, but at least for a week or so I can be "that guy". Not the @dangerousdon that guy. But just the, hey did you hear he's got the new phone guy.
You could always be THAT guy...AND...that dangerousdon THAT Guy! 🤪
2019 shave #262 (DE:115 SE:87 Str:58 Cart:0) - 412 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6s w/ Feather (3)
Stirling synth
CBL Tibetan Black Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Galimard Sensuel Safron

Here we are again. Again. Just not too motivate today. This week seems like a long one. At least we're approaching on winter holiday season where it seems like the 5 day weeks take a back seat for a while. We'll have to see though. I'm finding that my days and weeks no longer stay they way they were planned. I'm a planner, so it's going to be an adjustment.

Today's shave was decent. I wasn't in the mood to change any blades so found a razor that still had some uses in it and went with that. I think by tomorrow I should be all healed up from Sunday and we can get back on track.
I hope your plans get back on track, hermano. It kinda does feel like the week is dragging, but the reminder that I'm off for 8 consecutive days is giving me hope for the future.
I hope your plans get back on track, hermano. It kinda does feel like the week is dragging, but the reminder that I'm off for 8 consecutive days is giving me hope for the future.
That's enough time to get yourself into trouble
2019 shave #263 (DE:115 SE:88 Str:58 Cart:0) - 413 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (1)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Oleo Soapworks Empire
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Oleo Soapworks Empire As

Well today is a little more upbeat. I actually slept to within 30min of when I need to get up. So that's a plus. And there is sun outside instead of the gloomy grey day we had yesterday. Took the time to throw a new blade into Merlin and got a dolphin screaming BBS and no sting finally. Yes, my last tangle with the SS took me 4 days to recover from. When I left for work my wife said "Your scent today is pungent". Guess I used enough @dangerousdon!

This week is fountain pen heavy. I got in one I "won" on ebay yesterday. I ordered a Lamy Studio in Olive because I've been thinking about it for a while and don't want it to be gone later on and wish I had it. And I'm hoping I might get one for my birthday. I told myself I wasn't going to be one of those people that got the same model in different colours just to have them, but I really like the aesthetics of the Studio, so I could see more of those in my future. My birthday isn't until next weekend, but the kids will be gone. So my parents are driving down this weekend to celebrate. Long drive for just a weekend, but it's cool they are coming. We're going to do an escape room as a family on Saturday. Never done one and looking forward to it.
2019 shave #263 (DE:115 SE:88 Str:58 Cart:0) - 413 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (1)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Oleo Soapworks Empire
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Oleo Soapworks Empire As

Well today is a little more upbeat. I actually slept to within 30min of when I need to get up. So that's a plus. And there is sun outside instead of the gloomy grey day we had yesterday. Took the time to throw a new blade into Merlin and got a dolphin screaming BBS and no sting finally. Yes, my last tangle with the SS took me 4 days to recover from. When I left for work my wife said "Your scent today is pungent". Guess I used enough @dangerousdon!

This week is fountain pen heavy. I got in one I "won" on ebay yesterday. I ordered a Lamy Studio in Olive because I've been thinking about it for a while and don't want it to be gone later on and wish I had it. And I'm hoping I might get one for my birthday. I told myself I wasn't going to be one of those people that got the same model in different colours just to have them, but I really like the aesthetics of the Studio, so I could see more of those in my future. My birthday isn't until next weekend, but the kids will be gone. So my parents are driving down this weekend to celebrate. Long drive for just a weekend, but it's cool they are coming. We're going to do an escape room as a family on Saturday. Never done one and looking forward to it.
I have only done and escape room once but it was pretty fun. We were part of a beta test so some things were not quite perfect but we still almost finished it, and likely would have. even when the guy came in to show us what we missed he had trouble making it work so we didn't fee to bad about it. Just remember it's about having fun!
On the pens I've got 6 of the same model, but it's one I really love. Ok three of one size and three of another, but still.

It's worth it to me since I color code things a lot, so have them inked differently. But I could also just own three Bics so the truth is it's because of how it feels to use them, even if it's not aways practical, or fiscally responsible.

If it's a unique edition Studio, afik they should hold value. The only thing I'm thinking, is I've got a bag of about 6 Lamy's that I don't use, because once I tried pens with a better nib it was all over. All the Lamy's except the 2000 use the same nib.
@HMan I hear ya. I really don't think I'll be writing with the first few pens I had any more. I do just like the look and feel of the finish on the studios and the weight. I'll be in trouble when I get to the point where they nibs make a difference to me.