The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #238 (DE:106 SE:75 Str:55 Cart:0) - 388 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (6)
Stirling synth
Sudsy Soapery Citrus & Bay
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Savage

Whew, been a long weekend. Friday, had some kid issues that kept us up late and I didn't rest well. Yesterday we did the pen show in the morning. Then home for about an hour and a half and then off to a wedding. The wedding started at 5 with a short ceremony and we left at 10:30 and they hadn't even gotten to the cake yet. Had more to drink during that time than I have in an 24hr period in my life. It was a rough night. Then this morning had to ferry a kid to a meet-up with friends and then school shopping. Got in a short nap this afternoon. But I tell ya, I'm ready for bed. Monday is sure going to feel like a Monday.

That Merlin should be ashamed. He's quite the seductress. I went in to the bathroom thinking I'll use a straight or something else and he was just a calling. "Dave......think of how great a shave you'll get with smooth...."
Glad you survived your evening reliving your young adult years!
That's a rough weekend, but it sounds like you survived.

All I can imagine is a nerd standing in a corner wearing a wizard get up trying to get you to play D&D.
Hey now...
That Merlin should be ashamed. He's quite the seductress. I went in to the bathroom thinking I'll use a straight or something else and he was just a calling. "Dave......think of how great a shave you'll get with smooth...."

Um... Merlin as a femme fatale?
That Merlin should be ashamed. He's quite the seductress. I went in to the bathroom thinking I'll use a straight or something else and he was just a calling. "Dave......think of how great a shave you'll get with smooth...."

Um... Merlin as a femme fatale?
Hmmm, that would be a whole new story wouldn't it? And I can totally see Hollywood thinking it's a great story line to reboot the movie.
2019 shave #239 (DE:106 SE:76 Str:55 Cart:0) - 389 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (7)
Stirling synth
CBL Morning Blend & Blueberry muffin
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Endymion EdP

A couple of experiments today. My cut-off point for SE blades has been 6 days. I wondered if Merlin would be able to change that as well. Don't know how far I'll stretch it, but shave #7 was just fine. Also tried the breakfast combo with the coffee and muffin. I did a 50/50 blend and it mostly worked. Well, it did work. But the blueberry scent is bright and strong so it overpowered the coffee a bit. I was happy though, I did get whiffs of coffee now and then and the two didn't morph into a totally different scent. So I think this idea was a winner. Next time I'll try more of a 33/67 split. And there was also none of the tingling I got with the Morning Blend straight up.
2019 shave #240 (DE:106 SE:77 Str:55 Cart:0) - 390 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (8)
SV 2.0 Manchurian High Mountain White Badger
SV Opuntia
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
SV Opuntia AS

So Dave called me when he woke up this morning to suggest we use Opuntia today. I had to remind him that 4am his time is NOT 4am my time. But using Opuntia we are. Because this scent rocks. Thinking about it, I would say it's along the lines of Nauvia Rossa. Nice and strong and peppery. Shave #8 on this blade I think was ok. I got just the very smallest and transient alum sting. This is the first every that I've felt with Merlin when I've used the Schick blade. I'm curious enough to probably try the blade one more time. But if there's a whiff of sting, it's outta there!

Tired morning. My boss scheduled me for a 4:30 meeting, so that ended up making an 11hr day. I've been trying to get outta here by 4. But good news is my office mate finally vacated the office yesterday. So this weekend I'll come in to rearrange and tag his desk for removal! Good times.
2019 shave #240 (DE:106 SE:77 Str:55 Cart:0) - 390 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (8)
SV 2.0 Manchurian High Mountain White Badger
SV Opuntia
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
SV Opuntia AS

So Dave called me when he woke up this morning to suggest we use Opuntia today. I had to remind him that 4am his time is NOT 4am my time. But using Opuntia we are. Because this scent rocks. Thinking about it, I would say it's along the lines of Nauvia Rossa. Nice and strong and peppery. Shave #8 on this blade I think was ok. I got just the very smallest and transient alum sting. This is the first every that I've felt with Merlin when I've used the Schick blade. I'm curious enough to probably try the blade one more time. But if there's a whiff of sting, it's outta there!

Tired morning. My boss scheduled me for a 4:30 meeting, so that ended up making an 11hr day. I've been trying to get outta here by 4. But good news is my office mate finally vacated the office yesterday. So this weekend I'll come in to rearrange and tag his desk for removal! Good times.

No one schedules BossNurseDave for a meeting...he schedules them...

2019 shave #241 (DE:106 SE:78 Str:55 Cart:0) - 391 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (9)
RazoRock synth
A&E the Howling Fjord one
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Matching AS

Fly-by post. Surveyors showed up for the big one yesterday. That shoots the rest of the week. More stinging today so 7 was the limit for the blade even with Merlin's magic. So changing at 6 will remain the rule.
2019 shave #241 (DE:106 SE:78 Str:55 Cart:0) - 391 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (9)
RazoRock synth
A&E the Howling Fjord one
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Matching AS

Fly-by post. Surveyors showed up for the big one yesterday. That shoots the rest of the week. More stinging today so 7 was the limit for the blade even with Merlin's magic. So changing at 6 will remain the rule.
Darn big wigs showing up, messing around with things, and pretending to do things that don’t even marginally reflect their fat salaries! Keep looking!

You deserve a lunch meeting today!
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Yesterday's shave

2019 shave #242 (DE:107 SE:78 Str:55 Cart:0) - 392 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho / Feather (2)
Stirling synth
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream AS
2019 shave #243 (DE:108 SE:78 Str:55 Cart:0) - 393 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho / Feather (3)
RazoRock synth
Storybook Soapworks Elysium
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Well, the survey is over. I hope I sleep well tonight. It was a lot of work by a lot of people, but we did very well. Some was the result of the work, some the result of luck and some the good graces of the surveyors. But nice to have a three day weekend to follow it up. And I hope I sleep well tonight. And I'll be back in my office this weekend at some point to rearrange it.

Used up the blade on Merlin and didn't feel like changing it at 0'dark thirty. So grabbed the psycho because it had some blade life left. The ease of shave with the Vector is a double edged sword because you can easily forget to watch the shave pressure with other razors. Ended up with decent stinging yesterday because of that.