The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

I wasn’t aware it was just about Ed Hardy. His style really isn’t my thing, but it was interesting reading about his history. Starting to tattoo as a kid an some of his other media. I like his etchings.
I'm not a huge fan of his style either. But I can definitely appreciate what he had done for the tattooing industry and really showed the world that some of these tattoo guys and gals really are artists. Funny, I came across an article that was about how people view Ed Hardy as a hack or a sell out from his fashion line. According to the article, the fashion line went in a direction that he wasn't happy about, but had no control over it.

Way to find the hidden soap!
No blade feel until the ATG pass on the neck.

Ever try "bull frogging" Dave? I've found that all but eliminated my irritation. I can do a 3 pass shave with clean-up and don't get the irritation. With me I found that I was doing all the irritation on my first 2 passes with the ATG just putting me over the top. Now with bull frogging I don't do any damage and I can tolerate the ATG pass much better. Stretching my neck with a DE is asking for irritation, but nothing with a straight razor. Just a thought.
@Blade-meister, you bring tears to my eyes because you asking that means you having seen my videos. All the time and efforts wasted. I do and I do to entertain you and what thanks do I get?

I kid of course. You were meant to picture a 1950s house wife in a dress and half apron going hysterical as you read that. I do use that technique, but there is a spot that's below where the bull frogging helps where if I want the full-on total BBS, I need to make a few strokes ATG of the hair there. For some reason it's that part that is very susceptible to tugging and irritation. I address this in today's video ;) But you are correct. When I tried bull frogging, it helped the 3rd pass overall quite a bit.
2019 shave #234 (DE:106 SE:71 Str:55 Cart:0) - 384 days of consecutive shaving
Gillette Techmatic / razor section #10 (4)
RazoRock synth
Lakewood Soap Company Prairie Song
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Bleu de Chanel

So not a hidden soap today, but still new to me. Part of my swap with that other Dave. I would classify this soap as okie dokie. The performance was good. It's not up there playing with the big boys, but there's nothing wrong with it at all. I wouldn't kick it out of my den. And the scent is fine. Little leather, little prairie. I can see where they are coming from with the name. I don't see myself Jonesing to use it, but it is pleasant enough when I do.

Video posted ya'll
and what thanks do I get?

Pretty dang inconsiderate of me for sure :LOL: When I have watched your vids I didn't remember you bull frogging so I must be a terrible student to not pay attention :LOL: I wish I had time to watch all the vids, but the cabin and 2 other hobbies compete for my time. I sneak one in now and then though.
Pretty dang inconsiderate of me for sure :LOL: When I have watched your vids I didn't remember you bull frogging so I must be a terrible student to not pay attention :LOL: I wish I had time to watch all the vids, but the cabin and 2 other hobbies compete for my time. I sneak one in now and then though.
That's alright. Once you finish up the cabin we'll have a viewing party in there!
2019 shave #235 (DE:106 SE:72 Str:55 Cart:0) - 385 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (3)
TSC Legacy
CBL Three Pines
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Satorial

I continue my personal theme of pine scents with CBL. This smell much like the bath soap I'm using. Nice clean pine scent, but only a 3/5 on the scent scale. You know, I don't know that I've come across a pine scent that I don't like. And enough messing around with Buck Roger razors and lets get a scent shave huh? Merlin to the rescue! He's unstoppable. I'm all ready for @Blade-meister's shaving golf tournament!
Told you so! Yep that never gets old 😂Nice shave Dave but pine with Sartorial.......
LOL!! Live it up Dave! Yes, the end result of the shave negates all the boring stuff about this razor. I will maintain that it is less of an experience than other razors, but the payoff is usually worth that you lose.

I know, but like most soaps, the pine scent was long gone by the time I was deciding what to wear fragrance wise today. And I don't want to use Camp Heartache every day.
2019 shave #235 (DE:106 SE:72 Str:55 Cart:0) - 385 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (3)
TSC Legacy
CBL Three Pines
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Satorial

I continue my personal theme of pine scents with CBL. This smell much like the bath soap I'm using. Nice clean pine scent, but only a 3/5 on the scent scale. You know, I don't know that I've come across a pine scent that I don't like. And enough messing around with Buck Roger razors and lets get a scent shave huh? Merlin to the rescue! He's unstoppable. I'm all ready for @Blade-meister's shaving golf tournament!
2019 shave #236 (DE:106 SE:73 Str:55 Cart:0) - 386 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (4)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Stirling Christmas Eve
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

This morning I woke up with the feeling of being able to sleep more. Which is unusual and happy for me thinking I can get more sleep rather than just lay around messing on my phone until it's time to get up. I look at my phone to see if it's like a 30min nap I can have or it's still the middle of the night. Nope, it's time to get up. Sigh. Continued my personal theme of pine scents with Christmas Eve. This one varies from the others slightly in that it's a bit sharper with a sense of the pine pitch as well. Good stuff cadre! Whipped out another shave for the ages.

I'm still messing around with what note taking and organizational system is going to work for me. My wife got me a large portfolio that I've been using. (I just deleted about a paragraph's worth of details I realized nobody would want to read) But I think maybe an A5 note book will be more functional because for most meetings I don't need to carry a lot of paper to. So I ordered 2 off of Amazon to give a shot. One of the reasons for this change is being able to use fountain pens and having nicer paper to write on. One is Lemome and the other is Leuchtturm. Both I got in a grid type paper. I thought I would like Leuchtturm much better because I've seen it around a lot and it is over double the price. So far no. The Lemome is nicer to write in for me. It could be just that's it's an actual grid vs a grid of dots. And the Lemome is much better about laying open flat.

Where is everyone? I haven't seen the cadre this slow since Christmas time.
2019 shave #236 (DE:106 SE:73 Str:55 Cart:0) - 386 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (4)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Stirling Christmas Eve
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

This morning I woke up with the feeling of being able to sleep more. Which is unusual and happy for me thinking I can get more sleep rather than just lay around messing on my phone until it's time to get up. I look at my phone to see if it's like a 30min nap I can have or it's still the middle of the night. Nope, it's time to get up. Sigh. Continued my personal theme of pine scents with Christmas Eve. This one varies from the others slightly in that it's a bit sharper with a sense of the pine pitch as well. Good stuff cadre! Whipped out another shave for the ages.

I'm still messing around with what note taking and organizational system is going to work for me. My wife got me a large portfolio that I've been using. (I just deleted about a paragraph's worth of details I realized nobody would want to read) But I think maybe an A5 note book will be more functional because for most meetings I don't need to carry a lot of paper to. So I ordered 2 off of Amazon to give a shot. One of the reasons for this change is being able to use fountain pens and having nicer paper to write on. One is Lemome and the other is Leuchtturm. Both I got in a grid type paper. I thought I would like Leuchtturm much better because I've seen it around a lot and it is over double the price. So far no. The Lemome is nicer to write in for me. It could be just that's it's an actual grid vs a grid of dots. And the Lemome is much better about laying open flat.

Where is everyone? I haven't seen the cadre this slow since Christmas time.
Glad you’re having fun with the note taking stuff! I mean it’s pretty nerdy...but we can forgive that!


Go go gadget lunch meeting!
2019 shave #238 (DE:106 SE:75 Str:55 Cart:0) - 388 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (6)
Stirling synth
Sudsy Soapery Citrus & Bay
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Savage

Whew, been a long weekend. Friday, had some kid issues that kept us up late and I didn't rest well. Yesterday we did the pen show in the morning. Then home for about an hour and a half and then off to a wedding. The wedding started at 5 with a short ceremony and we left at 10:30 and they hadn't even gotten to the cake yet. Had more to drink during that time than I have in an 24hr period in my life. It was a rough night. Then this morning had to ferry a kid to a meet-up with friends and then school shopping. Got in a short nap this afternoon. But I tell ya, I'm ready for bed. Monday is sure going to feel like a Monday.

That Merlin should be ashamed. He's quite the seductress. I went in to the bathroom thinking I'll use a straight or something else and he was just a calling. "Dave......think of how great a shave you'll get with smooth...."
2019 shave #238 (DE:106 SE:75 Str:55 Cart:0) - 388 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (6)
Stirling synth
Sudsy Soapery Citrus & Bay
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Savage

Whew, been a long weekend. Friday, had some kid issues that kept us up late and I didn't rest well. Yesterday we did the pen show in the morning. Then home for about an hour and a half and then off to a wedding. The wedding started at 5 with a short ceremony and we left at 10:30 and they hadn't even gotten to the cake yet. Had more to drink during that time than I have in an 24hr period in my life. It was a rough night. Then this morning had to ferry a kid to a meet-up with friends and then school shopping. Got in a short nap this afternoon. But I tell ya, I'm ready for bed. Monday is sure going to feel like a Monday.

That Merlin should be ashamed. He's quite the seductress. I went in to the bathroom thinking I'll use a straight or something else and he was just a calling. "Dave......think of how great a shave you'll get with smooth...."
Sleep well tonight Big Guy