The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #227 (DE:106 SE:66 Str:53 Cart:0) - 377 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Stirling synth
Siliski Citrus
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Fragonard Desert EdT

Better use up this blade so that Merlin is all set for the Schick when they show up. Siliski is another that sat at the bottom of my drawer before. I didn't get the explosive lather like I did with Strop Shoppe. It was more of the slick snot style, but worked well and a nice fresh and sweet citrus scent.

Slowly getting things I place I need for the director role. Education related to HR, compensation, time cards, blah blah. Anxiously awaiting my own office. There is going to be some shuffling around and after everything is decided, we still need to wait for the one day a month they dedicate to moving desks and the like. In other TSC enabled hobby news. I roasted up the rest of 2lbs of green coffee beans I got from Kyle's guy so we're set for the next few weekends. And compromised with myself and ordered a moderately priced fountain pen instead of some of the high-end ones I've been eyeing along with a sample set of inks named "work appropriate". So no hot pinks or anything.
Can’t you just order the minions to hurry up? You’re the boss now!
Rough standards
I’m pretty sure gold and silver are still OK colors for upper echelon positions though.
2019 shave #228 (DE:106 SE:67 Str:53 Cart:0) - 378 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (1)
TSC Legacy
A&E Uno
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Well, Merlin is back in full effect with his hat on and purple robes all cleaned. Shall no other blade other than the Schick touch this razor! And it is said and it is decreed.

So ya, good shave. Vector. No need to think. Too much pressure, doesn't matter. It's magic. Screaming dolphin(R)(TM) BBS.

Mr @Dave in KY is ripping up YouTube with videos as of late. I enjoy starting my morning with that even if he's forgetting the muffins. I have a couple mail calls coming, so I'm hoping they arrive in close enough succession to do a 2-fer video. I don't think I'm willing to wait more than a day to open whichever arrives first though. Now, off to treat myself to a mediocre breakfast burrito.
2019 shave #229 (DE:106 SE:68 Str:53 Cart:0) - 379 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (2)
Plissoft knot in Save Revolution handle
CBL Iron Throne
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Savage

I think I've only used this soap one or twice. It reminds me of the scent Terroso from Sapone Di Paolo. Worked it into a ton of lovely lather and went to town. After two passes with Merlin and the Schick blade I was BBS. That's another first. I've tried two pass shaves before when I've had minimal growth and have still needed that third pass to get totally BBS. Well, simple BBS is no longer the standard we try to achieve when using Merlin, so a third pass was started. What is that you hear in the distance approaching quickly? Screaming dolphins(R)(TM)! That right! My skin is so smooth you could coat it in gold and replace the mirror in Hubble with it. Topped off with Savage. Good stuff.

Headed out of town for a meeting. Good news is we all elected to start an hour early so we could be done by 2. Looking forward to being home early afternoon.
2019 shave #229 (DE:106 SE:68 Str:53 Cart:0) - 379 days of consecutive shaving
Merlin w/ Schick Proline (2)
Plissoft knot in Save Revolution handle
CBL Iron Throne
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Savage

I think I've only used this soap one or twice. It reminds me of the scent Terroso from Sapone Di Paolo. Worked it into a ton of lovely lather and went to town. After two passes with Merlin and the Schick blade I was BBS. That's another first. I've tried two pass shaves before when I've had minimal growth and have still needed that third pass to get totally BBS. Well, simple BBS is no longer the standard we try to achieve when using Merlin, so a third pass was started. What is that you hear in the distance approaching quickly? Screaming dolphins(R)(TM)! That right! My skin is so smooth you could coat it in gold and replace the mirror in Hubble with it. Topped off with Savage. Good stuff.

Headed out of town for a meeting. Good news is we all elected to start an hour early so we could be done by 2. Looking forward to being home early afternoon.
And yes @GearNoir, free lunch
Home early and free lunch! Ain’t no arguing with that!
2019 shave #230 (DE:106 SE:68 Str:54 Cart:0) - 380 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

I'll tell ya, using the Vector makes it tough to get back to straight shaves knowing that they come with a bit of alum sting and a lot of thought. But, I fought through my hesitancy today and persevered. Ended up doing almost everything right and got a BBS with a small amount of sting on the neck. Need to fit some more of these in this year. Just for balance sake, I'd like to have 100 of each type of shave on the books if it's not too much of a struggle to do so.

We're headed off to an art exhibit at one of the big museums in SF with the topic of tattoos. Should be interesting. Then I'm thinking about swinging by (as much as you can "swing by" a place in the city) one of the stores that sells fountain pens. Though, next weekend is the SF pen show, so also thinking I might as well hold off and see everything at once there.
2019 shave #230 (DE:106 SE:68 Str:54 Cart:0) - 380 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

I'll tell ya, using the Vector makes it tough to get back to straight shaves knowing that they come with a bit of alum sting and a lot of thought. But, I fought through my hesitancy today and persevered. Ended up doing almost everything right and got a BBS with a small amount of sting on the neck. Need to fit some more of these in this year. Just for balance sake, I'd like to have 100 of each type of shave on the books if it's not too much of a struggle to do so.

We're headed off to an art exhibit at one of the big museums in SF with the topic of tattoos. Should be interesting. Then I'm thinking about swinging by (as much as you can "swing by" a place in the city) one of the stores that sells fountain pens. Though, next weekend is the SF pen show, so also thinking I might as well hold off and see everything at once there.
Dave’s getting a tattoo ya’ll!

Have fun!

Edit - And no, B6 is not a call...yet.
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I bet that Tattoo Exhibit was pretty interesting! Interested in your thoughts!
I wasn’t aware it was just about Ed Hardy. His style really isn’t my thing, but it was interesting reading about his history. Starting to tattoo as a kid an some of his other media. I like his etchings.