The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

I did have a "oh sh*t!" moment yesterday. In an meeting they mentioned if this certain situation occurs, people should escalate it to the Administrator on Call and they would know what to do. And it hit me. At some point I'm going to have to start taking 7 days of call at a time for the hospital. That will be me! I wouldn't have a clue what to tell them in that situation! I'm just this nurse that has a YouTube channel for shaving and I'm supposed to be the resource for the whole hospital. That's just plain scary to think about!
Can’t you just copy off the notes of the Administrator next to you?
I did have a "oh sh*t!" moment yesterday. In an meeting they mentioned if this certain situation occurs, people should escalate it to the Administrator on Call and they would know what to do. And it hit me. At some point I'm going to have to start taking 7 days of call at a time for the hospital. That will be me! I wouldn't have a clue what to tell them in that situation! I'm just this nurse that has a YouTube channel for shaving and I'm supposed to be the resource for the whole hospital. That's just plain scary to think about!
I feel the same on a substantially smaller scale, but you got the job for a reason. Go out there and do your thang.
Dave...15 amuse-bouches does not equal a meal! 🤪

Joking aside...that was one pretty meal! Looks like you and the wife enjoyed it!
Saturday's shave

2019 shave #209 (DE:102 SE:56 Str:51 Cart:0) - 359 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick P-30 (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto AS
Penhaligon's English Fern

video posted
Sunday's shave

2019 shave #210 (DE:102 SE:57 Str:51 Cart:0) - 360 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick P-30 (2)
Stirling synth
Sapone Di Paolo Argume
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Video posted
2019 shave #211 (DE:102 SE:58 Str:51 Cart:0) - 361 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick P-30 (3)
TSC Legacy
CBL Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

You can see I'm sticking with Merlin. For now. I do need to branch out and get back into my AC razors, but I'm in the honeymoon period right now. I switched back to the master bath, but left some of my stuff in the other one and had to do without alum today. No side-effects noted as a result. Might have been a bigger deal with other razors. Forgot to spray on a scent as well and didn't want to disturb my parents to go back just for that. I did plan my soap the day before and went to the lower levels of the soap drawer to give attention to one that had gone forgotten. Nice scent to start the day for sure.

Well, it's official. Job offer given and accepted. Staff to be notified at 2:30. Then slowly we'll be shuffling people around so I end up with my office to myself. Been a busy few days at work with a couple of issues requiring special meetings and calls. Tomorrow we're running some practice sessions for our command center and a few groups of people, so that will take most of the day. Our tri-annual big hospital survey us just around the corner.

Breakfast with the family was nice yesterday. Then they disbursed to a few places and I left left to get the shopping done. Ended up with tri-tip, grilling onions, sweet peppers and zucchini on the grill for dinner. Perfect for pairing with one of the stars of our wine cellar.
Congratulations on the promotion! Good luck with the drills, I hope they go smoother than ours.
Would like a peek out your new “all mine” window sometime. Don’t need to see feet up and crossed on the window sill.
after the riff-raff is moved out and I get rid of the 2nd desk
From treasured office buddy companion to riff-raff in one promotion flat...that poor guy...

Keep the second desk for you auto-refreshing dedicated TSC and gaming station.