The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

We reached high 80s/low 90s today too...and I only live a couple hours away from him! Lol, damn Valley!
Question for the cadre. Told my wife about my amazing Vector shave and had her feel how close it was. For the first time ever she asked to try one of my razors tonight. She wants to try the Vector, but I’m hesitant to have her first go be the Vector, have a bad experience and never try again. If she does use it I’ll pull out the Feather Pro and put I a Schick blade.

What say you? Go for it with Vector or give her a light weight DE?
If you think the Vector will be smooth enough and bite-free go for it. Otherwise I’d say one of your safer razors like the Rockwell.

Best yet help her with the shave and demonstrate the basics.
Roger, I thought the Rockwell might be a bit heavy, but it is a good thoughtless shaver. I’ll go with that via unanimous vote.
2019 shave #202 (DE:102 SE:49 Str:51 Cart:0) - 352 days of consecutive shaving
The Holy Black SR-71 w/ Feather (1)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
Sapone Di Paolo Terroso
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

This shave was on my daughter's birthday so she picked out everything that was used and had a guest role in my video. I continue to be baffled by the vibrations I get using the SR-71 after one, and only one, first amazing shave with it.

Things were a bit up and down. On Friday I was able to leave work 1/2hr early which should have been fine. But when we left the house the GPS said it would take 2 1/2 hours to get to where the show was instead of the 60-90 it should have. That's ok, we would still get there with 30min to spare. Now one thing I HATE about San Francisco, is if you need to take the Golden Gate Bridge to go north, you have to go through the city. And not just through on a busy highway, but like through like stop lights every block and in the middle of the city though. Traffic was so bad we watched our arrival time click closer and closer to show time until we were going to be late and still not out of the traffic. So turn around we did. Ended up going to an early dinner at an Udon place that during normal dinner time had a huge line outside of it. It was tasty and the girls enjoyed so that was good.

Then Saturday Dave & Buster's was picked for birthday activities. It's a chain of the adult version of Chuck E Cheese, but with good food, sports on all over and a huge bar. We had a little back and forth because they had a special deal listed on their website which they told us they were no longer doing. Nice manager ended up giving the kids cards loaded for unlimited game play, so another good time was had.
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2019 shave #203 (DE:102 SE:50 Str:51 Cart:0) - 353 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Feather Pro (1)
Stirling synth
Murphy & McNeil Gael Loach
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Loach AS

Yep, I'm in with the cool kids now. Found a Vector on eBay so saved a few bucks. Of course Dave had to point out I don't have a stand. And now looking at my shelving I'm thinking I could probably use one. But there have also been a few discussions of my more recent purchases, so I might have to lay low. My new inquiries and watching of YouTube videos related to nice fountain pens isn't helping.

This is also my first go with Murphy & McNeil and I wasn't disappointed. Video posted, but I'll say this is a top performer.
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2019 shave #204 (DE:102 SE:51 Str:51 Cart:0) - 354 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Feather Pro (2)
Sorrentino Oregon State
Tallow + Steel Maya
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Tallow & Steel Maya AS

Maya has been on my buy list for quite a while now. It seems like the times that I've looked it's not on the big vendors sites, there was something I wanted more or couldn't bring myself to pay shipping to buy directly from T+S. Finally ran into one on a BST though so I snagged it. This was another one of the many packages the came in over the few days following Amazon Prime Days. Again kudos to T+S for cranking up the scents and doing a lot of things outside the safe scents. This one is complex as is all their scents. With some citrus, and a lot of deeper earthy and spicy notes. Hey! Rumor is it's citrus week, so I hit another theme shave. While I was rinsing out my bowl I got a nice hit of the orange note and hoped that the AS would lean towards that. Nope, it leans to the cardamom and clove. That's ok, but just might not appeal to as many people. My cheeks started burning like they do with menthol and I checked again. But the AS doesn't contain menthol. It does contain a TON of different oils, so I figure one of them must have lit me up. I rinsed off my cheeks and reapplied a bit more to my chest and arms to make up for the surface area of scent.

Another great shave from the Vector. Yes, I'll have to name this one. I'm leaning towards Merlin as it's magic how great and irritation free a shave it gives. I thought I was being a little too aggressive on my neck and I was sure I'd have some alum sting. Nope. See? Magical.
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No comment on the name I gave mine huh? Pff !! No worries on the stand I need/want one still myself........ Maya sounds interesting. Can't wait for my M&M shave this week. Have a good day.
Nice updates Dave! Kind of weird that you’d name your razor after some crusty old wizard, but I guess it’s better than Dumbledore...
2019 shave #205 (DE:102 SE:52 Str:51 Cart:0) - 355 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Feather Pro (3)
TSC Legacy brush
CBL The Shaving Cadre
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal EdP's The Shaving Cadre is supposed to be citrus and tumbleweeds or something right? So it fits this week's theme. This Vector....Lawd have mercy!! I really pushed the thing. I mean I pulled my skin for clean up and went after every little patch that wasn't totally smooth. I twisted my neck this way and that and did strokes that I just KNEW were going to cause irritation because they were directly ATG in the way that always does. Why did I do this? I guess to find the limits of this thing. And in the end, no alum sting! WHAT!??!!! This is black magic I'm telling you. This should not be possible. And why this razor and no other?
2019 shave #205 (DE:102 SE:52 Str:51 Cart:0) - 355 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Feather Pro (3)
TSC Legacy brush
CBL The Shaving Cadre
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal EdP's The Shaving Cadre is supposed to be citrus and tumbleweeds or something right? So it fits this week's theme. This Vector....Lawd have mercy!! I really pushed the thing. I mean I pulled my skin for clean up and went after every little patch that wasn't totally smooth. I twisted my neck this way and that and did strokes that I just KNEW were going to cause irritation because they were directly ATG in the way that always does. Why did I do this? I guess to find the limits of this thing. And in the end, no alum sting! WHAT!??!!! This is black magic I'm telling you. This should not be possible. And why this razor and no other?
Because it's COM (Chief of Medicine) Top Dog......... hey maybe that's what I'll name mine.....Glad ya like it Dave
Because it's COM (Chief of Medicine) Top Dog......... hey maybe that's what I'll name mine.....Glad ya like it Dave
I had to go look that up. I've been in my medical system so long that I forget what terms they use outside of it. I guess some folks do use Chief of Medicine to define the head doc. Often though it refers to the chief of the Medicine department. Chief of Staff would be the chiefs of the chiefs and the head ;)