The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

So fun on the frag stuff!

Looks like you got out of Europe just in time man, all those heatwaves rolling through!
Dave! Step away from the power tools! I know modern medicine has come along way...but you really don't need to test out that new hand reattachment procedure the docs at work are talking about! We need you to keep your hands where they are! Leave the power tools and construction equipment to professionals like @ShawnF ! Seriously though...glad you made it out safe and the bed looks great!
Saturday and Sunday were two almost identical shaves with a video posted Sunday.

2019 shave #181 (DE:92 SE:45 Str:44 Cart:0) - 331 days of consecutive shaving
2019 shave #182 (DE:93 SE:45 Str:44 Cart:0) - 332 days of consecutive shaving

Got a lot done this weekend around the house. And had a nice mix of manual labor and binging shows. Oddly enough my wife has gotten into Narcos. I guess she's fascinated how one dude could have so much power and fight against a whole government. But we got through season 1 and part way through season 2.
2019 shave #183 (DE:93 SE:45 Str:45 Cart:0) - 333 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
TSC Legacy
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream AS

Sure do love me some Storybooks. I was going to say this is probably my favorite SS scent. But Hook is really good too. I'm looking forward to the TSC Radio Show getting back to monthly and @CBLindsay doing an interview with the owner. I'm curious in cases like this why they just stick with a couple of scents and don't add to the offerings.
West Egg, Chasing Sunsets and. Collaboration one with Chatillon Lux are get that outlet on yet ?
Hey! I didn't know about those! Thanks! Funny how signing up for emails gets you no emails from them. I check the site from time to time.
2019 shave #183 (DE:93 SE:45 Str:45 Cart:0) - 333 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
TSC Legacy
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream AS

Sure do love me some Storybooks. I was going to say this is probably my favorite SS scent. But Hook is really good too. I'm looking forward to the TSC Radio Show getting back to monthly and @CBLindsay doing an interview with the owner. I'm curious in cases like this why they just stick with a couple of scents and don't add to the offerings.
Now that I have been "in the business" almost a year I can answer that question for you Dave. If you are in it to be profitable you have to buy in bulk and make the process assembly line efficient. By limiting the number of scents available you accomplish a number of very important things. You are able to buy in bulk and make each scent in reasonable amounts. You can buy labels at reasonable prices. You can achieve much better consistency. I imagine marketing becomes a little easier too. Stirling @Joe Hackett has been able to maintain an incredible line-up of scents but looking back at how he grew I can see how he made some brilliant choices that made it possible to offer the library of scents while maximising cost efficiency. One major factor is packaging and labeling. It's one thing to have unsold product on the shelf, its an entirely different thing to have that product occupying a tub and being labeled. I'll Let Rod tell his own story but how he made that work was brilliant. My process involves making and aging unscented soap then scenting and packaging the soap. This allowed me to make on demand or make small scent runs as needed but it also left me with a lot more work to do and a lot of areas for potential problems. As I grow and narrow my scent selection (informed by the cadre) I am able to make, scent then age.
2019 shave #184 (DE:93 SE:45 Str:46 Cart:0) - 334 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Stirling synth
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Mark Buxton Nameless

What? Two straight shaves in a row? Baby's got a brand new bag? Or papa's got his groove back? Something like that. I realized I really enjoy shaving with the SS until it comes to that last pass on the neck. So I'm trying to modify the shaves to keep doing the parts I enjoy. Yesterday was a 2 pass shave just skipping that nasty ATG pass on the neck all together. And you know? It wasn't all bad in the end. Today I did all three, but tried a slightly different technique and had minimal stinging. Maybe I'll even hit 200 straight shaves by the end of the year. I need to get some variety back into the razors I'm using. The DE shave count is way out of whack with SE and straights.

Just today and tomorrow and then BOOM, another vacation. Going out with a doozy though. I usually try to leave work between 3-4. Tomorrow is committees and meetings from 12:30-5 straight through. One of which I lead, and one I have to present for a physician in. Ending with a small meeting the includes our area VP. Going to definitely have to iron a shirt for that one.
Awesome stuff on the straight shave front! I haven't progressed to the point of an ATG pass yet, but I have a feeling I'll either have to modify it, swtich to a DE, or just skip it altogether. We'll see.

That's a rough schedule for the day before vacay...
What part of Mexico you going to again? I still have family down in Mazatlan. Haven't been in awhile though. Going to be hot this time of year though where ever you going.