The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

BBS with the Feather alone? Awesome!

Weird about the cruise after-effects. I would have thought that kind of thing would have worked itself out much sooner. Hopefully your underlings aren’t thinking “Man, 8am and the boss is already into the bottle...” :ROFLMAO:
One cruise we went one hit rough seas. Took my wife about 4 days to feel back to normal.
Translation = Dave's into wine and work now. Nice job with the dolphin SS shave ! But maybe you should just take a day or 2 off to heal the skin
Sad, but I'd rather do a couple days of mild shaves than take a day off and break the streak.
Now that you've bought the grinder, I'll tell you that a port-a-band would be much more efficient and cleaner. :p
Why I outta!! That makes sense now that you mention it. But I've wanted a grinder for a very long time.
2019 shave #179 (DE:90 SE:45 Str:44 Cart:0) - 329 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Feather (3)
RazoRock synth
A&E Revolution
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
A&E Revolution AS

Instead of following @Dave in KY suggestion to leave behind my shaving streak, I did a simple 2-pass shave with a mild razor. I only did a WTG and XTG passes to avoid adding the irritation of ATG. Surprise was I ended up with BBS. I'm sure it's not going to last long and the dolphins aren't screaming, but not bad for the crazy little razor. Or is it little razor for crazy people?
2019 shave #180 (DE:91 SE:45 Str:44 Cart:0) - 330 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Feather (1)
Sorrentino Oregon State
Sapone Di Paolo Aracoine
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Sunday Morning London Tea EdT

Shave was so nice I repeated it twice. Funny thing is, I did 3 passes today and yesterday's 2 pass shave was closer. Think my neck will be all ready for a straight shave tomorrow though. @GearNoir had asked about that fragrance blending excursion we did. I'll post a picture below. Basically we got a "base" fragrance already diluted in alcohol and a set of essential oils to add to and change the scent. I think the idea was to give us a start and complimenting oils as to give the best shot of you enjoying what you end up with. Bergamot ended up being a very tea like scent, so I ended up adding every drop they provided for us. I was going for that early grey scent. I really liked it when I was done with it. I used it for the first time today. I would say it's more of an orange tea than a black tea, but it is also VERY weak. Less than an EdT for sure. I assume they didn't give us the best oils or the quantities they would use. So next time I'll have to apply many layers and see how it does.
At home I got one of the loft beds cut down yesterday. While yes, a band saw would have been then best in theory, I had some pretty tight spaces to fit my body in so I think the grinder did a good job. I've never been injured by a power tool, but probably came the closest yesterday. After cutting the first leg, I realized my hand was getting itchy so I went and put my gloves on. Later I was moving around and felt the whizzing diamond blade grab into the glove. It was enough warning to pull away, but had that been my hand I don't think my skin would have provided much resistance.