The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Welcome back stateside. Looks like you had a great time. Jet lag is horrible!
Welcome back sir! You're the boss, can't you just declare nap time at some point and close and lock your door?!?!
Yeah, lock the door. Tell your secretary to hold all calls as you have instrumentally and fudamantally crucial and imperative nocturnal scientific testing to do
Well, I haven't moved into the director's office. And I share an office with someone. I figured it would look a little presumptive to take the office without officially having the position.
2019 shave #177 (DE:89 SE:45 Str:43 Cart:0) - 327 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (1)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
The Club Novelist
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Edymion EdC

Good morning cadre. Got a decent sleep last night and feeling much better than yesterday. Other items have my mind all distracted so I opted to stay with the more thoughtless shave. I am enjoying being back with my favorite scents. That Oud Minerale had me thankful I purchased it all through the day until bedtime yesterday. That's an all day scent. And I expect nothing less from Penhaligon's today.

Next few weeks are going to be a whirl wind again. I'm catching up from being gone and start back on PTO next Friday and the next week. We're taking the whole family to resort in Mexico. All this PTO was planned prior to taking on the director stuff so there is some added pressure being away now. I also committed to redoing the bed room the two youngest ones share. I thought I had two weeks to do it, but it turns out it's only one week. So this weekend will be full on manual labor. Painting shouldn't be too rough, just have to juggle around everything in there to do it. The biggest part is they have metal loft beds from Ikea. The plan is to cut them down about 2' to give them more space above, but allow for dressers to stay under them. One bonus is I was able to buy a grinder for the project. I always thought those were cool. Got a diamond edged cutting disk I'm hoping will make short work of the tube legs.
The plan is to cut them down about 2' to give them more space above, but allow for dressers to stay under them. One bonus is I was able to buy a grinder for the project. I always thought those were cool. Got a diamond edged cutting disk I'm hoping will make short work of the tube legs.
2 foot is a big reduction........
Man, major projects up ahead! BossDave construction zone ahead, proceed with caution!


Family trip sounds like a blast though!
2019 shave #178 (DE:89 SE:45 Str:44 Cart:0) - 328 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Cadre Legacy
The Club London
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Visions and Revisions AS

First try with this soap. Not what I was hoping for, but I think I like it. I was paying attention to what was happening with the blade more than the scent. It's supposed to be early grey and black currant. I get something floral from the tub, but more enjoyable when lathered. I think many people that want to do something with a black tea note do not realize that note gets drowned out very quickly if it's not 100x times stronger than any other note you're mixing it with. My neck has been a touch sore for a few days and it would be smart of me to work in a few 2 pass shaves and not chase the dolphins to give it a rest. As a result I got lit up pretty good on the neck with the alum. But I did achieve a 3 pass total dolphin screaming BBS just from the SS. I'm on the right track with the added skin stretching of the neck on passes 2 and 3. Just need more practice to balance that with no pressure.

I got more than thought I would done on the bedroom yesterday which makes me happy. All the big paint roller sections are done and now I just need to do top and bottom with the brush. The biggest pain is the room is full of 2 big loft beds, 2 dressers, 2 desk, etc, etc, etc. So it's tough to move around much less paint. But if all goes well, the actually cutting of the beds down will be able to start Thursday or Friday.

In other odd news, I'm sitting here at my desk feeling like I'm still on the ship. I've read about this and it's a known thing. Some people actually have continued motion sickness. Luckily for me it just feels like the room is gently rocking. But I get this for about 2 weeks after a cruise. It tends to happen in smaller rooms or when I'm looking at a wall. I actually enjoy it because it's a way for me to hold on the experience a little longer.