The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I too hate nights were it doesn’t cool down to at least the high 60s/low 70s feels so stifling.

Your time off starts on a Tuesday? What sorcery is this?
Ya, I had forgotten I didn't ask for Monday off, but I'm stingy with my PTO and like to build it up. Today likely won't be a full work day. But of course, there's not thing to do other than pack and sit around waiting to go.
It has become quite hot indeed. I have a constant struggle with my my, i want the fan on high and she claims the fan makes her feel wind beaten. I say ITS HOT and I might die if there isn't better airflow but I am lucky to get the fan on low. As the temps increase i'm hopeful I can win the battle.
When I get really desperate, I've been known to lay with a wet hand towel on my back so the fan has extra cooling power.
On those nights it tends to start cooling down around 4am. But that's late enough I worry about waking up in time for work if I fall asleep.
I very purposefully turn the AC down because that right there will kill me. I hope the day goes by without a hitch and you get home with plenty of time to cool down and rest.
Hope your day rolls along quickly. Not sure I understand the heat issues. I CAN'T sleep if it's hot and that's what the thermostat is there to fix.......I always tell my wife you can add layers to be warm. I can't peel my skin off to cool down.
Hope your day rolls along quickly. Not sure I understand the heat issues. I CAN'T sleep if it's hot and that's what the thermostat is there to fix.......I always tell my wife you can add layers to be warm. I can't peel my skin off to cool down.
No A/C here brother. While I normally roll my eyes at people that are all stoic and say they only need A/C a few days a year so it's not worth it. That pretty much is the case here. Can count on 2 hands if not 1 the days we would actually need it at night every year.
No A/C here brother. While I normally roll my eyes at people that are all stoic and say they only need A/C a few days a year so it's not worth it. That pretty much is the case here. Can count on 2 hands if not 1 the days we would actually need it at night every year.
Wow, you just floored me brother. I couldn't make it without the ac. Not just for temp but to get the moisture out of the air so I can breath.
Oh ya, no humidity or bugs either. I was reminded of that in D.C. last year at night when every path light had a swarm of little gnats around it.
It has become quite hot indeed. I have a constant struggle with my my, i want the fan on high and she claims the fan makes her feel wind beaten. I say ITS HOT and I might die if there isn't better airflow but I am lucky to get the fan on low. As the temps increase i'm hopeful I can win the battle.

i have that same battle. plus when i left the house this morning the sky was light but the sun not quite up, and my car said it was 82F and tomorrow will be worse im sure.
Whew. All caught up Dave! So to sum up you lost some stuff, you bought some stuff to replace that stuff. Then lost some more stuff but had some nice shaves, used some new stuff and had a bad shave, found the lost stuff and had some more nice shaves. And now you’re getting ready for an awesome vacation. Life is good 😎