The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #159 (DE:75 SE:44 Str:40 Cart:0) - 308 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Schick 30 (4)
Plisoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
Siliski Frankincense and Myrrh
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Dior Sauvage

If Don can be that guy, I can be this guy. Gooood morning ladies! It's Friday. It's sunny. No lunch meeting though, so that's a bummer. Got probably the best Schick blade shave I've gotten. But still a touch of alum sting. I did a good 5 sprays of the Sauvage and while I'm not at Don level, I'm no shy Sally either.
2019 shave #160 (DE:75 SE:44 Str:41 Cart:0) - 309 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Stirling synth
A&E Charlatans Traipse
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache

Well, I learned two things during this shave. The first while I was thinking about the shaving gear I'm going to back for the trip. I was reminded that I think I took the SS on my last cruise because I like to take my gear up to the spa/gym changing room for more space to shower and shave. You can't really throw a DE or SE in your Dopp bag with a blade installed. So an SS travels better in that manner.

The soap was 1 of 4 new A&E soaps I got yesterday. The scent is interesting. It would say you take a western scent and let the scene it's set in bake in the sun for 10 years. There is leather, but it's not rich like old supple leather. Or sharp like new fresh leather. It's like an old leather vest that's been worn to death and has a coating of wind blown dust on it. Then you mix in some florals from dessert plants and some dead grasses over on the hill that the wind is carrying. It's interesting for sure. But it lit me up. Half way through the first pass I was thinking I was really screwing up with the SS and must have been going crazy with the pressure. Then I realized I was stinging in places I hadn't even shaved. So it was an obvious reaction to the soap. I did my 2nd pass as quickly as I could and let it go at that. No lasting redness after a healthy rinsing of cold water. And who would have thunk it. I did get a BBS on the cheeks with 2 passes. The next is DFS. I'm bummed because I'll have to sell or trade off this soap/AS set.
Good learning day. Bummer it came at the expense of your shave! Gonna try giving the soap one more go before the final decision?
Sounds like a rough go. I'm glad you came out on top, but I wish it were less painful.
2019 shave #161 (DE:75 SE:44 Str:42 Cart:0) - 310 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Stirling synth
The Club Black Birch Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

2019 shave #162 (DE:75 SE:44 Str:43 Cart:0) - 311 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Stirling synth
The Club Vacanza Romana
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Last two shaves and no reaction. Both soaps were winners The Black Birch Stout was delicious smelling. A clear knock-off of's Roasted Oatmeal Stout ;) I got a lovely 3 pass super smooth BBS on Sunday with the SS. Today was BBS with neck soreness. Just obvious that I'm not back to being able to use the SS every day and need to watch it on my neck.

It's all relative for sure, but it was too warm yesterday and it's going to be warmer today. But it was one of those nights were you just lay still and hope you just eventually drift off. On those nights it tends to start cooling down around 4am. But that's late enough I worry about waking up in time for work if I fall asleep. But just have to drag through the day and then off for 2 weeks.
I too hate nights were it doesn’t cool down to at least the high 60s/low 70s feels so stifling.

Your time off starts on a Tuesday? What sorcery is this?
... A clear knock-off of's Roasted Oatmeal Stout ;) I got a lovely 3 pass super smooth BBS on Sunday with the SS. Today was BBS with neck soreness. Just obvious that I'm not back to being able to use the SS every day and need to watch it on my neck.

It's all relative for sure, but it was too warm yesterday and it's going to be warmer today. But it was one of those nights were you just lay still and hope you just eventually drift off. On those nights it tends to start cooling down around 4am. But that's late enough I worry about waking up in time for work if I fall asleep. But just have to drag through the day and then off for 2 weeks.

That's good news for the Roasted oatmeal stout lovers.

It has become quite hot indeed. I have a constant struggle with my my, i want the fan on high and she claims the fan makes her feel wind beaten. I say ITS HOT and I might die if there isn't better airflow but I am lucky to get the fan on low. As the temps increase i'm hopeful I can win the battle.