The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #150 (DE:71 SE:40 Str:39 Cart:0) - 299 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (2)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
SV Opuntia
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
SV Opuntia AS

I wanted to pull out the Feather SS, but I had to get out and get the trash cans on the street which couldn't have been done last night because of some neighbor's thoughtlessness. I was stunned when Mr @cmh737 (can we call you Captain?) said that Opuntia was light on scent. Come smell me Chris!! This stuff is good, that's all I'm saying. Have a lovely effective but easy shave with the Super Speed.

Sad news, there is no lunch meeting today. I do have leftovers that should last several days though, so that's better than scrounging snacks. Our trip is getting close enough I emailed my doc for some sea sickness patches. We don't know what the Med is like this time of year. Well, any time of year really. And I asked for something to help me sleep on the plane. I've never done that before, but someone was talking about how nice it is to eat your meal, take a pill and wake-up when you're landing. That certainly would change long distance travel in a big way.
2019 shave #151 (DE:71 SE:40 Str:40 Cart:0) - 300 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Paladin Harlequin Sherlock
The Holy Black Oatmeal Cookie
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Mark Buxton Nameless

300 straight days of shaving and whooooeeee what a shave it was. Had a breakthrough in the whole technique thing for getting a better shave on the neck. Just added some skin stretching on the neck to the 2nd pass and I'm BBS all around with 3 passes of the SS and no clean up. The trick is remembering to do it each time. I have to balance that stretching with pressure because I did get a little stinging on the neck with alum, but vast improvement in outcome. THB Oatmeal Cookie is delicious smelling. Yep just like a cookie though I wish the strength was a bit higher than its 3/5. Good stuff though. Again, I'd certainly try more THB soaps, just going going to pay a premium for them.

Well, good times. The week is quickly approaching its ends and I'm starting to feel anxiety about getting all my ducks in a row for being gone from work for two weeks. Also, long flights and foreign countries give me premature stress. This train is a rollin' and ain't nothing going to stop it.
Very nice! What are the other cities on the itinerary?
Solerno, Italy. We'll go to Positano and Sorrento.
La Spezia, Italy. We'll go on a boat tour to Cinque Terre.
Villefranche, France. This is the excursion to Eze to make perfume.
Marseilles, France. Only wine related stuff @Dave in KY. Going to Chateau Neuf Pape and Avignon.
Barcelona. Just bum around on foot there or do a city tour.
Spending a day in Rome before the cruise to see the Vatican.
Man, sounds like a great little tour! Hopefully it’ll be a lot less stressful once you’re there.