The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I’ll defend your love of the Smokey campfire scent. I am with chad, I don’t really want to smell like a campfire all day unless I am camping but I am willing to smell that way most of the day...or at least in the morning. There is an artisan (outlaw soap) that makes a killer campfire/marshmallow/mountain cabin scented beard oil. They have a campfire solid cologne that is good but not quite as good as the beard oil. I have used the campfire soap from WCS and liked the scent enough but the performance was meh, he smell isn’t complex..just campfire (coal more than smoke)
I’ll defend your love of the Smokey campfire scent. I am with chad, I don’t really want to smell like a campfire all day unless I am camping but I am willing to smell that way most of the day...or at least in the morning. There is an artisan (outlaw soap) that makes a killer campfire/marshmallow/mountain cabin scented beard oil. They have a campfire solid cologne that is good but not quite as good as the beard oil. I have used the campfire soap from WCS and liked the scent enough but the performance was meh, he smell isn’t complex..just campfire (coal more than smoke)
They've got 3 different colognes with campfire and they're VERY proud of them
Yesterday's shave

2019 shave #145 (DE:67 SE:39 Str:39 Cart:0) - 294days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Feather (2)
Shawshank Redemption Brush
THB Mountain Man
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Video posted. My first use of The Holy Black soap.
2019 shave #146 (DE:67 SE:40 Str:39 Cart:0) - 295 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
TSC Legacy brush
CBL Oud Minerale
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Been a little while since I've used the RX and I wasn't paying enough attention. Little weeper on my neck and some alum sting to go with it. All is well with the soap and scent though. Off to some great tastings up in Napa with a couple of my wife's friends. Been looking forward to this for a few weeks!
I’ll defend your love of the Smokey campfire scent. I am with chad, I don’t really want to smell like a campfire all day unless I am camping but I am willing to smell that way most of the day...or at least in the morning. There is an artisan (outlaw soap) that makes a killer campfire/marshmallow/mountain cabin scented beard oil. They have a campfire solid cologne that is good but not quite as good as the beard oil. I have used the campfire soap from WCS and liked the scent enough but the performance was meh, he smell isn’t complex..just campfire (coal more than smoke)

Campfire maybe not so much, but I love a good smokey, churchy scent.
2019 shave #147 (DE:68 SE:40 Str:39 Cart:0) - 296 days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Feather (3)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS

Lazy morning and late shave today. Just a simple shave with probably my favorite SS soap scent. I sure wish this guy would put out some more scents.

Had a great day yesterday. The first tasting we did and I posted pictures of is battling for our favorite tasting. It was at Peter Michael. I’ve owned his wine for years but have never tasted it. Don’t ask. But we finally took the plunge and scheduled a tasting. One of those places off the beaten path. It starts by using the code they give you to open the date to the property. You drive a short way through trees to their administrative house. While we waited for my wife’s friends we got to to see White House menus for dinners where their wine was served. The experience started with loading into their Surbuban for a slow drive through the property and then up and up and up. Most of their vineyard is on hillside and the road was steep enough the SUV barely made some of the end up at what is pretty much a family party pad that overlooks the valley and their vineyards. Awesome view. We learned about the history and functionality of the vineyards and then made our way back down to the tasting room. Got a flight of 2 whites and 2 reds and was rewarded with the knowledge that the wine I had bought on spec was indeed a winner. I would not hesitate to say it is the most delicious wine I’ve had to date. And sad to say, while the rest of the day was top notch it’s hard to compete when you start with the best.
2019 shave #148 (DE:69 SE:40 Str:39 Cart:0) - 297 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (2)
Sorrentino Oregon State
Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Philtre Ceylan EdP

It was an odd morning where I really didn’t know which soap to use. Grey and rainy and picked a darker scent. I’m a little bummed with the Timeless’ performance as of late. I remembered it as one I could grab for a nice smooth shave. Well it isn’t as smooth as the 6S. And every time I use it I’m reminded of that. It’s just so darn pretty though.

Not much planned today. Which is a good thing. Plenty to do during the week.
2019 shave #149 (DE:70 SE:40 Str:39 Cart:0) - 298 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (1)
RazoRock synth
Eufros Park Avenue
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
V's Barbershop tonic

I shaved late enough yesterday and got a close enough shave that this morning I was still DFS if not darn near BBS. So simple, but always effective shave with the Super Speed this morning. Good stuff. Couple of the Cadre have been talking about getting Mr @Smattayu to make them a brush. I'm getting the itch again too, but like a tattoo really need to get a sweet design in my head.

Was hoping to finally get my hair cut today, but have a committee meeting so that means shirt and tie and no cut. Should be a mellowish week so that's good. Summer break is sneaking up on us and I feel like I should be doing something to prepare, but really not sure what.
Ooops, forgot to mention that @uacowboy sent in some soap samples for the library and adding in a bag of coffee that he roasted. His stuff smells great and looks perfect to me. Gives me something to shoot for later this week when I attempt again.