The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #141 (DE:64 SE:39 Str:39 Cart:0) - 290 days of consecutive shaving
Merkur 38c w/ Feather (1)
Stirling synth
Tallow + Steel Sicily
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate

Hey, you guys ever heard of Merkor?? Merkur? It's a decent little razor. Just kidding of course. This is the 2nd DE razor I had. Decided to pull it out as I've been avoiding the basic razor in favor of the flashy and more avant guard ones. Threw a Feather in it and got a great shave. And this soap. Yes the T+S soaps are usually polarizing. And to me that's a good thing. It means if you find one you like it's going to slap you in the face with goodness. These are not simple scents and I love that. This is a touch similar to Agrumi in Estate, but done in a more complex and sophisticated manner. This is the one that I would say is like walking through a citrus orchard. Usually I feel the notes of cirtrus peels/leaves/branches are much too "green" and bitter smelling. With Sicily they are blended perfectly with the juice scents. Really like this one. Now I hope the AS scent sticks around. I'll have to get some and find out.
Oh ya, nice weekend this weekend. Got a couple clean up items done around the house. And then got a ton of time to just sit and plow through a bunch of magazines that have been collecting until my reading spot was ready. Good times.
Hmmm those merkur razors sound promising. Weird never heard them mentioned before.
Don’t own a Merkur and never have. I got several others that the need for one of them kinda went away before I ever felt it.
I actually was joking lol. I do have a slant merkur it's alright. IT was a gift so will never get rid of it. I need to pull it out soon.
2019 shave #142 (DE:65 SE:39 Str:39 Cart:0) - 291 days of consecutive shaving
Merkur 38c w/ Feather (2)
RazoRock synth
Oleo Soapworks Humanitas
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Roaring Radcliff

Slow getting out of bed by a couple of minutes so I just repeated the razor from yesterday. It's ok, and I wonder why I don't just PIF off some of the stuff I used when starting. No reason to have stuff you feel like you should use with the only reason being because you haven't for a while. Shave was fine with a BBS. But it's just your basic BBS. No other letters. No screaming dolphins. (@CBLindsay I haven't forgotten I need to think of a scent to pair with that name) And in an attempt to clean up my drawers a little, I used a sample scent floating around in there. I think I still need a bottle of this, but first I need an intense citrus that smells like T+S Sicily. @cmh737?

Ya, yesterday at work more occupying than some days. I didn't have to stay late, but had stuff to do most of the day. Today should be pretty chill with my office mate on PTO and a committee meeting being cancelled, mostly because of lack of interest by myself and my doc co-chair. Nice morning how I like. Low cloud level, lights off in the office to make it chill and get some music going.
I actually was joking lol. I do have a slant merkur it's alright. IT was a gift so will never get rid of it. I need to pull it out soon.
Well I knew you were joking, but they really aren't seen here much. Saw them a lot at the other place where not everyone was an enabler.
I was actually thinking, you don't see much use of the more basic modern razors with this group.
The 34C was my go to for several years when I wasn't using vintage. Only recently when I began my journey to see if there was something better and I began to look at Rockwell, Karve, Timeless, RazoRock, Parker, etc...... Really, I just used my 34C today, and it was just as good as all the rest.
I have tried the Karve, I own a Model T and a 6c Rockwell, I own the Parker Variant, I own the Razorock SLOC and GameChanger .84, an Icon SB tech head, a Fatip Piccolo with OC and SB plates, two other Tech type modern razors on branded Gentleman Jon that I believe is an Icon and one Weishi clone by Vikings Blade. Not really sure which is my favorite but I get good shaves from all of them. I also have a few vintage ones that I like as well.
Didn't shave as well and dispensed with it...
You make it sound so violent......

....I need an intense citrus that smells like T+S Sicily. @cmh737?....
I'm not sure what T&S Sicily smells like. The only two T&S soaps I've used are "Himalaya" and "West Indies". But citrus frags that immediately come to mind are: AdP Colonia, Creed Imperial, Chanel Allure Homme Edition Blanche, Penhaligon's Bayolea, Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet. Oh, I know one, but it's fleeting, and that's Guerlain's Eau de Guerlain Imperiale.