The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Dave continues to plan for the shavepocalypse. Glad you’re using the SV, I continue to be surprised by it. For me it’s just uncanny that a vegan soap can be that good.
Update, shave count got a little off.

2019 shave #128 (DE:59 SE:34 Str:35 Cart:0) - 277 days of consecutive shaving
What if the vector sells out? What if they decide to stop production? What if???? Just order now.
What if the vector sells out? What if they decide to stop production? What if???? Just order now.
We’ll be no worse off than before :ROFLMAO:

Colonial needs to get their butts in gear and start pumping out something, anything.
PPE? we don't need no stinkin PPE.

I try to consciously focus on breathing through my nose while I work outside (harder for me than you might think) so the old schnoz can filter out some of the stuff in the air before it gets to my lungs.
Dave continues to plan for the shavepocalypse. Glad you’re using the SV, I continue to be surprised by it. For me it’s just uncanny that a vegan soap can be that good.
It does make an awesome lather. Just need to remind myself it's not that big of a deal to bloom it.
Nice shave Dave (subliminally stated) Your face could use a break, what would it hurt to skip 1 day?
You clearly do not understand the importance of this nonsensical record keeping and the arbitrary significance placed on a number that nobody really cares about.
PPE? we don't need no stinkin PPE.

I try to consciously focus on breathing through my nose while I work outside (harder for me than you might think) so the old schnoz can filter out some of the stuff in the air before it gets to my lungs.
That makes good anatomical sense and provides a compromise between common sense and the stubborn man.
Yesterday's shave:

2019 shave #129 (DE:59 SE:35 Str:35 Cart:0) - 278 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Schick (5)
Stirling synth
The Club Hedonisme
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
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2019 shave #130 (DE:59 SE:36 Str:35 Cart:0) - 279 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
RazoRock synth
CBl Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

Friggin' allergies, or illness or something. I dunno what's going on. I think allergies are getting worse every year so you're not sure when it's that vs having a cold and daily allergy pills seem to do nothing. Tuesday night I was up at 1am coughing and it didn't want to stop. So finally at 5am I went into the office to get my computer and come back home with the plan to get some sleep later. Well, sleep time was replaced by some information my boss wanted. In her defense, she is also on vacation having to deal with something. But better to be working on the couch feeling miserable than in the office around other people. Back at work this morning. Took a DayQuil to see if that will make me socially acceptable to be here. You know it's bad when I'll actually take medicine.

I have determined the Schick blades will be relegated to the Vector when it comes and Proguards are still better in the RX. I reached for the Oatmeal Stout thinking warm oatmeal sounded good as a comfort soap.