The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #124 (DE:57 SE:34 Str:36 Cart:0) - 273 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Schick Pro
Stirling synth
CBL Breakfast Blend
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon’s Endymion EdC

After @uacowboy’s experience, I had to try the coffee next. The scent on lathering is very similar to Cafe au Lait from A&E. A coffee scent with a creamy softening and a touch of chocolate or nuttiness. My shaving experience was very similar to Kyle’s and yesterday’s lemon shave. A slight tingling at the end of the 1st pass building to a slight burning by the end of the last pass. If anyone will figure out what might be causing it, it’s Mr
Very interesting. I PMed @CBLindsay about it and he said he had a similar experience the first use but then not again.
As Kyle said, I felt the burn on the top/edge of my cheek the first time I used the soap but have used it all week since then and had nothing undesirable. I don’t recall whether I used the base before I added scent but I’m guessing I didn’t.

The first thing I always think of when a scent results in a burn or tingle is the fragrance oil and whether it has known potential irritants (vanilla being a typical offender but others like cinnamon, cherry, lime, and various spices). The coffee frag has none of these offenders listed. I also consider the amount/percentage of frags used ...again nothing out of the norm here. The next thing I consider is the base and whether it’s got something going on. The base in this case is essentially the same as any other CBL soap except the lye water and the oils all had fresh roasted coffee steeped in them (that’s the color you see). This leaves me thinking/wondering if the amount of caffeine extracted from the beans was enough to result in skin tingles. I am positive there is at least SOME caffeine present simply because it is water soluble and was given a chance to be extracted while cooking. If anyone has used that caffeine containing Cremo that used to be sold at target perhaps they can say whether it resulted in any tingle.

People often ask if a soap might be “hot”, meaning having a little too much lye left in the final product resulting in an unfavorable pH. I do keep the amounts consistent and “test” each batch but the “testing” usually involves the old zap test...does the soap result in a zap feeling when touched to the tongue. I even tested a bean that was in the soap just Incase it absorbed any lye and was still holding on to it...nothing. When all is said and done the fragrance oil used is most likely the cause as it is most often the cause. My caffeine theory sounds plausible but I admit it seems a little far fetched.
I smeared some on my arm to see if anything happens, SWMBO did too. So far we’ve not had anything happen. But we will continue to monitor.
As Kyle said, I felt the burn on the top/edge of my cheek the first time I used the soap but have used it all week since then and had nothing undesirable. I don’t recall whether I used the base before I added scent but I’m guessing I didn’t.

The first thing I always think of when a scent results in a burn or tingle is the fragrance oil and whether it has known potential irritants (vanilla being a typical offender but others like cinnamon, cherry, lime, and various spices). The coffee frag has none of these offenders listed. I also consider the amount/percentage of frags used ...again nothing out of the norm here. The next thing I consider is the base and whether it’s got something going on. The base in this case is essentially the same as any other CBL soap except the lye water and the oils all had fresh roasted coffee steeped in them (that’s the color you see). This leaves me thinking/wondering if the amount of caffeine extracted from the beans was enough to result in skin tingles. I am positive there is at least SOME caffeine present simply because it is water soluble and was given a chance to be extracted while cooking. If anyone has used that caffeine containing Cremo that used to be sold at target perhaps they can say whether it resulted in any tingle.

People often ask if a soap might be “hot”, meaning having a little too much lye left in the final product resulting in an unfavorable pH. I do keep the amounts consistent and “test” each batch but the “testing” usually involves the old zap test...does the soap result in a zap feeling when touched to the tongue. I even tested a bean that was in the soap just Incase it absorbed any lye and was still holding on to it...nothing. When all is said and done the fragrance oil used is most likely the cause as it is most often the cause. My caffeine theory sounds plausible but I admit it seems a little far fetched.
Just kind of thinking outside the box here...and have nothing to back this up on. But does caffeine, when used externally, does it restrict or dilate capillaries? Also, if it is a caffeine issue...and I am with you on this Chris, I really doubt it...if you use a darker roast would that drop the caffeine content low enough to stop the tingling? Just some thoughts that are probably absurd.
Just kind of thinking outside the box here...and have nothing to back this up on. But does caffeine, when used externally, does it restrict or dilate capillaries? Also, if it is a caffeine issue...and I am with you on this Chris, I really doubt it...if you use a darker roast would that drop the caffeine content low enough to stop the tingling? Just some thoughts that are probably absurd.
The people that sell caffeinated soaps claim it restricts capillaries and shrinks swelling making a better shave. The fact is, whatever it may or may not do in that regard it would take time and concentration. Also fact, a person can be sensitive to topical application of caffeine the same as any number of potential irritants. Good news is few are allergic to caffeine so the tingly feeling would be due to sensitivity rather than allergies. Sensitivity is very much concentration and exposure influenced. It might be there is no sensitivity until you shave a bit of skin away...or a slightly wetter/dryer lather might change concentration enough to avoid the burn. Another cool thing about sensitivity is the body CAN be sensitive to something upon first exposure then not be sensitive when exposed later.

The reaction some have felt may well be related to caffeine or coffee tannins being present in too high a concentration. Sure dark roasted coffee has less caffeine but I don’t think it has so much less it would change things much.

I guess it’s worth pointing out the obvious disclaimer statement “if rash or irritation occurs discontinue use”.
The people that sell caffeinated soaps claim it restricts capillaries and shrinks swelling making a better shave. The fact is, whatever it may or may not do in that regard it would take time and concentration. Also fact, a person can be sensitive to topical application of caffeine the same as any number of potential irritants. Good news is few are allergic to caffeine so the tingly feeling would be due to sensitivity rather than allergies. Sensitivity is very much concentration and exposure influenced. It might be there is no sensitivity until you shave a bit of skin away...or a slightly wetter/dryer lather might change concentration enough to avoid the burn. Another cool thing about sensitivity is the body CAN be sensitive to something upon first exposure then not be sensitive when exposed later.

The reaction some have felt may well be related to caffeine or coffee tannins being present in too high a concentration. Sure dark roasted coffee has less caffeine but I don’t think it has so much less it would change things much.

I guess it’s worth pointing out the obvious disclaimer statement “if rash or irritation occurs discontinue use”.

Thanks Chris!
Yesterday's shave. Video posted.

2019 shave #125 (DE:58 SE:34 Str:36 Cart:0) - 274 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Feather (3)
Stirling synth
LNHC Doc Holiday
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache
Interesting discussion. I also wouldn't think that caffeine would cause skin to react, but I suppose an individual could be sensitive to almost any chemical. Switched away from CBL the last two days in case my coffee reaction was helped by the irritation from the previous day. But no symptoms either of these days.
2019 shave #126 (DE:59 SE:34 Str:36 Cart:0) - 275 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (1)
Stirling synth
A&E something or other
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Satorial EdP

Not much to say about today's shave. 275 days of shaving. That's something. Our big trip is next month and I'm already thinking I'm going to have to pay attention to time changes and stuff to keep that streak up.

I'm not one that's much for PPE (personal protective equipment) when I'm doing stuff around the house. I've regretted it a few times in the past. Usually when I'm doing something with wood and realize that I've breathed sawdust through the day and it takes a few days for the coughing to stop. Today it has me a touch concerned. In pressure washing on Saturday, of course there's a cloud of water vapor and you hit and edge or corner and get spray with muddy water. I had a bit of a cough yesterday and today it's a little deeper and has me thinking of the fiberglass that makes up the roof tiles that cover the roofs surrounding the courtyard. I'm sure it's paranoid worse case scenario thinking, but I'm picturing little fibers of fiberglass working their way into my lung tissue. I'm good at worse case thinking when it comes to the human body. I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days, but sometimes the mind is not kind.
Oy, fiberglass. Remember how drop ceilings in computer rooms and offices were those fiber glass tile types back in the day? When I was in college, one of my part time jobs was running computer cables above those tiles. Of course, in those days, especially with college kids, there wasn't any protective gear of any kind. Oy!
Yea, PPE is an easy thing to forget when it’s not a regular practice or you just want something done ASAP.

I also wouldn't think that caffeine would cause skin to react, but I suppose an individual could be sensitive to almost any chemical.
Guess that means I should stop rubbing coffee beans all over myself. 😢
All caught up Dave. All this tingling going around, you sure we’re still talking about shaving reactions? Does everyone here need a shot of penicillin? 😂😂😂
@ShawnF brother! You got me! I was like what the heck? And then it hit me. I’m one of the crew now!! Cracked me up! I thought about not saying anything and featuring it in my next video. But I have to show you. I think I’m a natural with my “hard and grizzled, I’m not laying OT because you have a hangover, don’t touch my tools” face.
All caught up and no tingling experienced here.
2019 shave #127 (DE:60 SE:34 Str:36 Cart:0) - 276 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (3)
Saponificio Varesino 2.0 two-band 26mm Manchurian High Mountain White Badger
Saponificio Varesino Felce Aromatica
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's English Fern

I went to reach for my Vector this morning and remembered I haven't bought one yet. Probably going to be a few months as A&E should be releasing a bunch of stuff and I'll get in trouble for ordering all that. I keep seeing my SV soaps laying around and I need to get over my aversion of using soaps that need to be bloomed. This is another company were I enjoy almost everything they produce. BBS isn't as close as it has been, but I was also taking it a little easy. If I didn't have all these consecutive days going, I think my face could use a day off.