The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Yes, it’s pronounced Sapone di Paolo.

I want the Oud Minerale bad. And oud leather because I need a leather scent. Might even order the minerale tonight.
Aaaaaand it’s ordered. I love this stuff. I put it on 4 hrs ago and I still get a whiff of it randomly from time to time and know I need to have it. I know at some point I’ll have to commission Mr @CBLindsay to make me a quart of the soap to go with it.
2019 shave #119 (DE:54 SE:33 Str:35 Cart:0) - 268 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Voskhod (3)
Stirling synth
CBL Norse Spice
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Saint Julep

Well today started off just weird with @Cvargo in my dream. He came to visit me at work because he was in town, but I worked in a church and we were having a survey and I was having a hard time trying to find time to chat with him. We did get to sit down in a booth and the veterans in the booth next to us made fun of the pencil thin mustache he was wearing. I'll let you all figure out what that means.

Ended up falling back to sleep and woke up a little rushed for time so just grabbed an easy and ready-to-go razor. Interesting, but today's shave wasn't super BBS as yesterday's was even though they were both faster shaves. I was hesitant to try another IA scent before work in case I would be subjecting people to something you needed to be open minded to enjoy. But then I figured, I don't @dangerousdon it every day, they'll be ok. This one isn't strong enough by contrast. I only did a spray on each wrist and I'm struggling to smell it. But all I'm really getting is sweet scent, so no buy on this one. The Tom Ford scent search was a BIG win yesterday that result in my ordering of Oud Minerale. And I certainly wouldn't find a few more of his private blend label.

Busy schedule at work, but I'm scoring free lunch 4 out of the 5 days, so there's a trade off. Any meeting with doctors at it, free lunch.
Hmmm. I was in your dreams with a pencil moustache. Weird because according to the cadre I can't grow a moustache at all.

Got caught up on your shaves too. So you bought some Tom Ford or the IA scents?
Hmmm. I was in your dreams with a pencil moustache. Weird because according to the cadre I can't grow a moustache at all.

Got caught up on your shaves too. So you bought some Tom Ford or the IA scents?
it was a DREAM ;)

I ordered Tom Ford Oud Minerale. The IA scents I'm working my way though the samples I bought. I said in my video that I likely wouldn't pass on the samples because I liked them all at first blush. Now I think I'm seeing that it's more likely I'll use each one once and then pass them on.
Better fill up the year’s schedule with lunch appointments! Let’s many doctors in this facility....
Well today started off just weird with @Cvargo in my dream. He came to visit me at work because he was in town, but I worked in a church and we were having a survey and I was having a hard time trying to find time to chat with him. We did get to sit down in a booth and the veterans in the booth next to us made fun of the pencil thin mustache he was wearing. I'll let you all figure out what that means.

It means you’re a creeper :D
2019 shave #120 (DE:54 SE:33 Str:36 Cart:0) - 269 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
L&L Original
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors The Soft Lawn

I need to get some more straight shaves in. I've lost my skillz. Cheeks BBS. Easy no hills and valleys. Stoopid neck. Thought I was doing fine. Ended up with DFS and grabbed the 6S to take care of that after the three passes with the SS. Got some decent alum sting even on the places on my neck I didn't touch up. So obviously my pressure is off. I want to keep up with it so that I can pull off 3 pass BBS shaves with the SS, just not feeling it. It's feeling more like a should do, than a want to do. Ho hum, first world problems. Took a chance with another IA scent even though we're rapping up our internal survey with a MD I'll be with most of the day and in the ORs. Turns out I shouldn't be offending any one. The scent strength on this is probably right where it should be. I could have added a few more squirts for better coverage, but wanted to play it safe. I'm still deciding on my opinion. When I put it on I liked it, but thought it a little sweet to pull off. Now, over an hour later, I'm either getting used to it or it's drying down a touch more layered. I see using this as an alternative to English Fern when I want a green scent, but a softer and rounder.
Nice read and hope all goes well at work. That's the feeling I have with straights. A feeling of should do instead of want to do. I only do it when I feel I want to, hence I'm at 6 shaves..............
A wise old being once said “Do or do not, there is no should.”

At least that’s how I think it went. :unsure::ROFLMAO:
2019 shave #121 (DE:55 SE:33 Str:36 Cart:0) - 270 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
TSC Legacy
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

I was talking scents yesterday with someone at work and she was curious about GTB. So I had to share the GTB love. Decided I wanted just a simple and mild shave so I picked the most beautiful DE there is. I dunno what happened. The Sword was already in there and according to my records it shouldn't have been. I must have put it in there one day for a clean-up pass. But the unexplained nature might explain why the shave was rough. Probably not, but I'm looking for an excuse. It felt like the blade had already run its course. I know sometimes the housekeeper messes with my razors to dust and such and I've also always wondered how they are handled during that process.

3.5 hrs of committee meetings today. But there's a free lunch involved. Other than that: GTB BABY!!!

OH yea! GTB!!! I think I will need to pull that out here soon!
2019 shave #122 (DE:56 SE:33 Str:36 Cart:0) - 271 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (1)
Stirling synth
Oleo Soapworks Rush street
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Still wanting a nice mild but BBS shave. What can you always reach for to achieve that? What @Majorrich? The Super Speed yells Rich! Oh yes. Loaded up a fresh Feather blade and hair removal was effortless. Rush Street pairs perfectly with Oud Minerale and the OM is up on my olfactory hit list right there with Camp Fire and Opuntia. So SO good. Come on and gather around everyone. Take a deep breath in and make your day better.