The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #105 (DE47 SE:25 Str:34 Cart:0) - 253 days of consecutive shaving
RX-71 w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
LNHC Doc Holiday
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? Still enjoying the novelty of this razor combo. Little weeper, but it’s all good.

Productive day. Made some cookies, put wines away, cleaned windows, watched some GOT. Now sitting outside with a pipe waiting for the kids to go to bed so we can watch the new season. Guess the cookies were a success this time. They are getting eaten up rather than just sitting there.
2019 shave #106 (DE48 SE:25 Str:34 Cart:0) - 254 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Voskhod (3)
Stirling synth
CBL Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
V's Barbershop Tonic

Just needed a bit of a touch-up after a late shave yesterday. Timeless was the correct call. No alum burn and I'm a pretty man. I still don't have a black tea scent to wear, though I have my eye on one. So I pulled out a little used V's tonic. My wife isn't all about this one, but I'm at work for the day anyway so it'll just be my coworkers that get to embrace my manliness today.
2019 shave #107 (DE49 SE:25 Str:34 Cart:0) - 255 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (3)
TSC Legacy
Stirling Christmas Eve
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Bleu de Chanel

Ooops, forgot to swing by here and make my shave official. I was in the mood for a nice, but one note scent and ran across the Christmas Eve while organizing the soap drawer last night. Good stuff for sure. And of course the Super Speed gave a better shave than most of the modern stuff again.

I mentioned before that our hospital has a huge survey tomorrow and Thursday by our regional offices. Well an actual regulatory body just started surveying our sister hospital up the road, so things have been changing all day as the regional office now need to support both. Luckily for us this mean our survey will be more medium size. Had to go check things out in the OR area today. Made respect for the people that have to wear all that junk all day long. Just one hour with the scrubs and jacket and hat and face cover and I was overheating.
2019 shave #108 (DE49 SE:26 Str:34 Cart:0) - 256 days of consecutive shaving
Razorock Hawk V2 w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Razorock synth
A&E St Barts
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Tommy Bahama St Kitts

Needed something loaded and ready to go and the Hawk was on the counter. Also needed a more mellow fragrance so went a little tropical though the day is grey. Not bad overall, but I'll likely get rid of this razor at some point. It was the one that started my SE journey and made me see the light of a stiffer blade, but now I'm used to much heavier razors.
Yesterday's shave

2019 shave #109 (DE50 SE:26 Str:34 Cart:0) - 257 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Voskhod (1)
Stirling synth
Oleo Soapworks Humitas
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Now I'm wondering why I got a bunch of Voskhod blades other than I like the name. I got some blade vibration I've never had in the 6S with a Feather before. Shave was fine, but I do NOT like blade vibration. The Voskhods aren't as sharp as Feather or smooth as Wilkinson Sword. Maybe I'll find the right match for them, but this ain't it.
2019 shave #110 (DB-10 SE:27 Str:34 Cart:0) - 258 days of consecutive shaving
RX-71 w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
The Club Oriental Oud
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Endymion EdP

Time for a super close shave so the RX-71 pulled out of the hanger and jetted me to dolphin screaming BBS. That silly little Vector is on its way, so we should be having a showdown soon. And then likely shortly after that I'll be out $200.

Brother's, I'm draggin' today. Allergies have been hitting me in the mornings and today I woke up with a headache and my brain feeling fuzzy. Sure would like to have stayed in bed, but that was not in the cards. As Dave likes to point out, I'm a boss now and chilling at home after everyone has been working their butts off after a survey would not make for good optics. I'm just happy today shouldn't be a late day. And I have faith and at least some of you should be happy with today's calls and that will make everything "right as rain". Right? I mean really. You guys haven't been doing very well at this game. Someone has to get their act together and get closer to winning!
Strange about the blade chatter. Only time I get chatter is when the razor doesn't hold a blade secure and never had trouble with the 6s doing that. Hope you can sort it out.
Sorry you're dragging buddy. Allergies STINK !!! Someones gotta be the boss, it might as well be you. Hope the day improves (y)