The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice that the threads are pretty much universal! That old brass handle I sent you for Christmas is pretty short if the one is too fat.
2019 shave #102 (DE47 SE:22 Str:34 Cart:0) - 250 days of consecutive shaving
RX-71 w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Plissoft know in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel
GTB AS again

I tried it out guys! Video posted.

250 consecutive days of shaving!
2019 shave #103 (DE47 SE:23 Str:34 Cart:0) - 251 days of consecutive shaving
RX-71 w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Sorrentino Chess Piece
Southern Witchcrafts Cedar
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

Brought the RX-71 out for another flight with a new blade. I done good. Paid more attention to the pressure and you truly can't just let the razor do the work with this one. Some counter pressure needs to be applied to keep the irritation at bay. No alum sting and a beeeeeeeautiful BBS. I have never used a frankenrazor before because I figured then you have half razors sitting around not being used. And I kind of feel that about this one. I can see myself now using this instead of the RX, but the cost of this one razor is now the cost of the two added together. Can you imagine this with the Vector head? That would be a $400 razor!
Today should be pretty mellow and then a Napa trip tomorrow. We were going to take up one of my wife's work friends, but deciding that last minute didn't allow for us to get enough tasting reservations because it's bud break up up there and things are booked up. So we'll do another trip with them and plan ahead better. Looking forward to it because the weather should be sunny but not hot and one of our favorite tastings is outside. Now, off for a breakfast burrito!
Is it just me or does RX-71 not sound like a cool name for a razor. Stick the 71 head on the Rx handle just for grins and if it is okay you still have 2 razors 😛 I need breakfast. Skipped it sans a muffin and started working on installing soffits on front deck.......internet is down from storms.....
Is it just me or does RX-71 not sound like a cool name for a razor. Stick the 71 head on the Rx handle just for grins and if it is okay you still have 2 razors 😛 I need breakfast. Skipped it sans a muffin and started working on installing soffits on front deck.......internet is down from storms.....
I actually did that, and it does look pretty sweet. It's just that the blade will still chatter a ton.
2019 shave #104 (DE47 SE:24 Str:34 Cart:0) - 252 days of consecutive shaving
RX-71 w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Sorrentino Oregon State
Oleo Soapworks New City
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet

Yep, took the beefy RX-71 out for another spin. This shave was similar to yesterday's. I'll actually have to switch the handle back now and see what I think of it compared to the RX itself. I think I like the shorter handle, but like the RX itself for actually being balanced. I could shave with this thing every day, but it would feel more intuitive with a heavier head.

I'm up and ready and just waiting for the wife to head to Napa. I'm contemplating making a short video of what it's like to drive the Tesla. I've been asked questions by several people and while there are many videos out there, there's not one done by me! The problem I found is holding the camera even up close to my face, the lens isn't a wide enough angle to get the whole steering wheel and out the window. Well, maybe just see what I can do. And I need to prep for bingo this weekend!! I realized earlier this week, that this next week is going to have a few stuff days for calling for me. We have a HUGE survey from our regional office on Wed and Thursday. So I know for sure I won't be at a computer all of Wednesday. So the rabid players might have to wait until the evening for calls. Or just have plain ole boring ones.
A video of the Tesla would be fun! Especially once you open er up in the countryside! :devilish:

Safe travels, have fun!