The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #95 (DE45 SE:20 Str:30 Cart:0) - 244 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Stirling synth
CBL Earl Grey
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm

Video is uploading slooowly. But gents, this will not be one to be missed!!
2019 shave #96 (DE45 SE:20 Str:31 Cart:0) - 245 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Stirling synth
Mystic Water Sweet Briar
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm

Got up a little early so my shave routine wouldn’t effect people and did a quick shave. Things just clicked and it seemed like my strokes and the blade were just dialed in this morning. Was able to get a good shave despite trying to hurry things along.

We took my parents out to their favorite breakfast place on the coast this morning. It was de-licious. Then stopped in at a gallery where we bought a photo. This afternoon is just games and hanging out. And then pizza night.
2019 shave #97 (DE45 SE:20 Str:32 Cart:0) - 246 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Stirling synth
Henri et Victoria Cognac and Cuban Cigars
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm

2019 shave #98 (DE46 SE:20 Str:33 Cart:0) - 247 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (1)

These were my last two shaves on the coast. Both just 2 passers. On Saturday I didn't shave until around noon. Instead of a relaxing shave because all the morning things had been done, it felt rushed because I could hear the pounding feet of kids running around and there was no zen to it. I decided just to fly with 2 passes with the SS and got a fairly decent DFS out of it.

On Sunday, I was u pat 5am to get everyone else up and out and on our way home by 5:30-6. So for the first time since I started all this, I shaved in the shower. Just used the bar soap that was in there and whipped out 2 passes to knock down most of the whiskers. It wasn't awful. I did have to be careful not to get too close to the goatee since I couldn't see where the blade actually was. And only two passes left me at DFS- at best. It was also interesting to notice I didn't have an irritation after the shave, but my skin was pretty dry without any post-care for it.

The week was good. I'm sure the kids were 95% bored because there was a lot of just relaxing in the beach house but my parents were happy to have everyone together and seeing the cousins playing together.
2019 shave #99 (DE46 SE:21 Str:33 Cart:0) - 247 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
TSC Legacy
WSP Black Amber and Vanille
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Savauge EdP

Oh yes! Back on the home turf with a bench full of players to choose from. The Doctor was called up to deliver a beautiful shave. Sure love this beast of a razor. The WSP gave me a thick and creamy lather that KJ would have been proud of. Finished off with a bottle that my wife got me this last week as a late part of my Valentine's present.

I dunno about this job guys. Already it's really eating into my TSC time!
2019 shave #99 (DE46 SE:21 Str:33 Cart:0) - 247 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
TSC Legacy
WSP Black Amber and Vanille
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Savauge EdP

Oh yes! Back on the home turf with a bench full of players to choose from. The Doctor was called up to deliver a beautiful shave. Sure love this beast of a razor. The WSP gave me a thick and creamy lather that KJ would have been proud of. Finished off with a bottle that my wife got me this last week as a late part of my Valentine's present.

I dunno about this job guys. Already it's really eating into my TSC time!
Told you not to take it if you couldn't get TSC time negotiated in.
2019 shave #100 (DE46 SE:21 Str:34 Cart:0) - 248 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Central Texas Soaps Mr Pepper
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Central Texas Soaps Mr Pepper AS

Obtained this soap/AS from Mr Vargo as it lit hit face up. I actually didn't remember what he said about the soap other than that. I was happy to find out that it did smell exactly like Dr Pepper to me. The Club Cola soap, smells nothing like Coke to me so I was a bit skeptical. I also took a sniff of the AS. I too smelled just like Dr Pepper. Now, I was excited to enjoy the scent while I shaved, but all through the shave I was wondering if I really wanted to show up to work smelling like pop. The soap lathered easily enough and off I was. Used the SS because I have been having fairly good shaves with it so I decided to keep riding that wave. The shave itself was blah. The cushion and slickness were sub par. I certainly would not have gone back over areas without adding more soap. The scent is really the only thing that saves this from the PIF pile. It will be relegated to only DE use however. The AS is pretty much a non-issue as the scent disappears quickly.
It truly is a good performing soap and I am bummed it lit me up. Was sad to see that one go.