The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #101 (DE47 SE:21 Str:34 Cart:0) - 249 days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Voskhod (3)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Siliski Soaps Toasted Almond
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Siliski Soaps Toasted Almond post shave

This was a "meh" shave. Every time I use the SR-71, it feels like the blade is vibrating more. What I want is this stubby little thing to hold an AC blade. Anyone know of something like that?? The end result of the shave was fine, just felt like I needed to be careful like when using a cheap plastic razor. The soap was good, just not paired with the right razor. It smelled like almond I would say. I didn't really get a roasted note with it. Mostly a marzipany scent. And the post shave threw me off. I found this in a drawer with the soap last night and didn't really look at the bottle other than to see it matched with the soap. When I went to use it, nothing came out of the restrictor. Shook and shook and got one or two little drops. I took it apart, ran water through it and tried again. Same thing getting 2 oily drops I rubbed on my cheek. Then I read the bottle and saw it wasn't an aftershave splash, it was a hydrating post shave. Ok, so it's thicker I guess? Took the restrictor off, pour some in my hand and rubbed it on. Ok, bad choice. Very thick and oily. After letting it sit for 10min, I wiped off the excess with a paper towel. Now things are fine on my face and I am hydrated, but hours later I still feel like there is a film on my hands. I'm not a fan and will be tossing it.

Work is interesting. In a nebulous type of area right now. It's one thing to start a new job and get the training you need for it. It's another to have a title change and poof, you're supposed to be making different decisions and know about things you didn't care about before. I went though this once transitioning from a floor nurse to management so I know there's an end to it. But not being confident in the meantime kinda blows.
Sorry about the overall shave bit tomorrow's another day. I remember first time using that on camera you were ready to buy stock in the company. Put that stubby handle on a vector head 👍
Lol bummer about the haphazard shave. Guess finding random things in your drawers that you forgot you had isn’t always a blessing :ROFLMAO:

Hang in there man!
Still waiting to see if Mr. Boss Man went Home and what the verdict is with the Rx
Nope, still at work. Then I have to play taxi for a while. But glad you mentioned it, I had forgotten already. I'm pretty sure the post on the 71 is thicker though.
Nope, still at work. Then I have to play taxi for a while. But glad you mentioned it, I had forgotten already. I'm pretty sure the post on the 71 is thicker though.
Most are standardized. Hope it works.........................if it does it calls for a video shave with it ;)
Oh for sure. But IF it does work, then I'll have to buy a black RX just to use with this handle! That would n20t be a good thing. Here's just a line for me to72 practice inserting in b1ngo calls to get you all excited!