The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I only got whiff of the Oud Minerale, haven’t shaved with it yet, but off the tub, it’s immediately apparent that it shares the same Wagyu base as Barbershop. Loved it!
2019 shave #93 (DE44 SE:20 Str:29 Cart:0) - 242 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6Sw/ Feather (3)
Stirling synth
CF Summer Storm
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man AS

Kind of more of the same. Tomorrow I’ll squeeze out a 4th shave out of the Feather. We’re heading to the coast for the rest of the week and if I put in a new blade it’ll be pulled right back out and tossed.

My parents somehow got an invite to the Adidas employee store so we hit that up this morning for 50% off everything. Lunch at a newish burger place here with THE best fast food fries ever. Nice and thin and crisp and truffle. My dad plays jazz piano and has a couple guys he plays with over for practice so once they are warmed up I might record a song to post.
50% off everything? That is pretty cool. Did you pick me some new shoes? Football season is right aorund the corner.
I think you have a new, original intro for your videos!

Good stuff man, that’s awesome!
Okay the guy in the guitar looks like my uncle. You're in Oregon right? Not Puget Sound?
2019 shave #94 (DE45 SE:20 Str:29 Cart:0) - 243 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6Sw/ Feather (4)
Stirling synth
Oz Shaving Fox something or other
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
Nice fly by shave entry, play hard for us working stiffs
@Dave in KY had a lovely Cordon Bleu omelet and croissant this morning at a French restaurant/bakery. Now a Costco run before heading to the coast.