The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #78 (DE:37 SE:18 Str:23 Cart:0) - 227 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho razor w/ Feather (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
A&E Oriental Oud
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Endymion concentre

Time for a more mild shave after a later in the day shave yesterday. The Psycho did a beautiful with the BBS. The Oriental Oud I really enjoy as well, but like the Cafe au Lait I wish it was a little stronger. Now I just wish my wife liked oud so I had a deep, rich, mysterious scent to apply after.

For those of you that like motor sports, Netflix released a new documentary series on Formula 1 called All to Play For. I've only watched the first episode, but little tidbits of information mixed with loud engines and fast cars is a winner.

Nice stuff Dave, and I caught that episode as well, I did not get a chance to watch many races this past season. MY wife is the same way, in fact anything she says is strong or she does not like she calls and "oud" it seems to be a go-to for her, however I put some Tom Ford oud a few days back and she liked it, I think she is Looney
2019 shave #79 (DE:38 SE:18 Str:23 Cart:0) - 228 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho razor w/ Feather (2)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Storybook Soapworks Visions and Revisions
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Visions and Revisions AS

Well today I was just wanted to get moving so I used the same razor set-up as yesterday. I don't normally do the themed shaves, but I'll see if I can stick with @Cvargo spring scents this week. I figured this is light enough to consider as that. Little irritation that came out of nowhere for no good reason, but a little alum and Thayer's Lemon took care of that.
2019 shave #80 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:23 Cart:0) - 229 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's English Fern

Okay, today was not the day for a spring scent. The rains and winds have come back and it's another dark morning with low fog. But I'm trying to stick to the week's theme. It is a lovely scent however. I used the RX because it was another distracted mind morning and not the time for a straight. I sense that being relegated to Fridays and weekends for a while now.

Had some kid drama at home related to social media and their phones. We don't allow it, but they are living in a world where most of their friends have pretty much free reign in that area so it sucks for them and they try to push the boundaries from time to time. I would put it up there with getting old. The signs of getting old are frustrating when they come into focus, or out of focus more practically. And those moments when you know for sure you're just giving things your best shot in parenting but can't be sure it's the right thing.
Yep, we’re all rain and gloom and doom here inland too. Good shave though!

Our oldest only just got one of our old iPhones this last Christmas. Same thing. Constantly pushing boundaries. I sure don’t remember being like that... :unsure:
No mindless shaves man! When you wake up breathing that’s a good start. Good luck with the social drama.