The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Well, sorry about the drama, however that photo was one of you best, and English Fern? YAAAS!
Nice shave Dave and hope the drama dissolves
Yep, we’re all rain and gloom and doom here inland too. Good shave though!

Our oldest only just got one of our old iPhones this last Christmas. Same thing. Constantly pushing boundaries. I sure don’t remember being like that... :unsure:
No mindless shaves man! When you wake up breathing that’s a good start. Good luck with the social drama.
Thanks guys. And of course we all know that in a year or two this drama will seem like nothing compared to whatever it is we'll be dealing with then.
2019 shave #81 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:24 Cart:0) - 230 days of consecutive shaving
Feather Kamasori w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TSC Legacy
Chiseled Face Easy Street
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face Easy Street AS

Boom! That's three shaves in this week's theme. And this was my best Kamasori yet. No alum sting which is a huge win. I didn't know that at the time I stopped shaving and anticipating some irritation I skipped the 2-3 swipes with the Timeless that would have given me full on BBS. That's ok, it's pretty darn close as it is.

Most of the managers are at an off-site today and I'm the designated person to stick around in case a surveyor decides to show up at the hospital. So I need to stay later than usual. Should give me enough time to find that last bingo call from yesterday.
2019 shave #81 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:24 Cart:0) - 230 days of consecutive shaving
Feather Kamasori w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TSC Legacy
Chiseled Face Easy Street
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face Easy Street AS

Boom! That's three shaves in this week's theme. And this was my best Kamasori yet. No alum sting which is a huge win. I didn't know that at the time I stopped shaving and anticipating some irritation I skipped the 2-3 swipes with the Timeless that would have given me full on BBS. That's ok, it's pretty darn close as it is.

Most of the managers are at an off-site today and I'm the designated person to stick around in case a surveyor decides to show up at the hospital. So I need to stay later than usual. Should give me enough time to find that last bingo call from yesterday.

BOOM! That’s what I’m talking about!
Great shave today! Looks like the kamisori if being mastered
2019 shave #82 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:25 Cart:0) - 231 days of consecutive shaving
Feather Kamasori w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes EdC

Don't have enough shaves with the Kamasori under my belt to count on consistency yet. Fresh new blade and I thought I was getting a great shave, but could feel a little irritation on the neck with the last pass. I sure didn't think I was using more pressure, but ending with a 3-pass BBS and irritation is proof that I did. I do think the Kamasori is a touch easier when trying the odd angles to get the neck cleaned up. Time will tell.

Starting to study for a certification test that will add to my marketability. I think passing should be no problem, but it costs $500, so I'm feeling some prep is in order before rolling the dice with that amount on the line. Gloomy and grey, but it's Friday without a packed weekend. So looking forward to that.
Yea, $500 a pop isn’t pocket change. I’m sure you’ll do just fine though.

Good shave! Lime sounds nice on this grey day!
All caught up Dave. Great stuff and some awesome pics! Good luck on the certification. Nothing wrong with adding to your list of awesomeness!

I also wanted to weigh in on the social media thing with your kids. My stepson Anthony is going to be 17 in June. Great kid, we've never had to worry about him getting into trouble or anything like that, he's always kind of made his own decision to stay away from things that he might be a little too young for, and his natural interests generally keep him away from the wrong places on the internet. So he's been pretty easy to guide along as far as what we wanted to allow him to do and keep him away from. That being said, I'm not an idiot and I know he's seen and heard things he shouldn't from other kids. I was 16 once too lol. But this whole internet/social media thing is fairly new in the grand scheme of things. There isn't really a traditional path to follow as far as the best way to steer your kids through it. Our parents didn't have to do it with us, so we didn't learn it from them. So I don't think there is any right or wrong way to do it. Anthony got his first phone at 10 or 11, and we just kind of monitored what he was doing with it. He didn't get his first social media account until he was 14 (instagram), and that was also monitored. He chose on his own to stay away from all the other social media sites. I guess FB and Twitter are for old people these days haha. I think just keeping an eye on it once they do start to get involved is the best way to guide them without over parenting and pushing them in the wrong direction. You know how it goes, the more you say they can't do it, the more they want to!
Thanks for the comments @SteveChuckFrank bobstanlou. No guidelines for sure. I did google what age to let your kids have social media, just to see what some opinions are. All I know is our oldest goes from under our roof to total freedom in about 4 years. So at some point in those 4 years we need to transition to that "almost" freedom so it doesn't happen all at once. Or lock them in the basement. Either way.