The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Namesless Aftershave huh? \n\nKind of reminds me of a 9th grade project where I had to come up with , produce and create a commercial for a produce. \n\nMine product was One Night Stand After Shave. \n\nTag line was “One Night Stand, for those special one nighters”.
\nExample of what Josh has to look forward to from his 5 year old ?
Example of what Josh has to look forward to from his 5 year old

Ah Dave fortunelty it was the 80’s.
That will never be tolerated in schools today. I feel for todays youth.
Namesless Aftershave huh? \n\nKind of reminds me of a 9th grade project where I had to come up with , produce and create a commercial for a product. \nMine product was One Night Stand After Shave. \n\nTag line was “One Night Stand, for those special one nighters”.
\nSome people\'s kids
2019 shave #46 (DE:25 SE:8 Str:13 Cart:0) - 195 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (2)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
CBL Russian Tea
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Philtre Ceylan pure perfume

Had the ole SS loaded up and thought I might as well see right now how it performs with a normal shave. Well, it's pretty darn good. Nice and smooth and mild. I blew past the water band on the CBL looking for the sweet spot, but it provided a good shave anyway.

Chris' Hawaii announcement reminded me that we finished booked our without the kids trip for the summer. Flying to Rome to take a European cruise. Wife is super excited so it should fill up my brownie point bank.
Wow! A Euro cruise! You deserve more than brownie points! Some gold stars too. Glad the SS is behaving proper.
Wow! A Euro cruise! You deserve more than brownie points! Some gold stars too. Glad the SS is behaving proper.
Ya, I was on the fence about it, but she said it was her dream itinerary. So that was that.
Just when you think you have a good vacation planned, some nurse guy upstages ya.

Nice Dave! Those brownie points should last for at least a few high end purchases.
Just when you think you have a good vacation planned, some nurse guy upstages ya.

Nice Dave! Those brownie points should last for at least a few high end purchases.
Nah man, Hawaii is super fun. We got two of our girls surfing lessons there. Made them pretty proud of themselves.
Just catching up on all of today’s goings on. So a European cruise huh? That’s pretty awesome. Friends of ours did a Mediterranean cruise for their honeymoon and loved it.
2019 shave #47 (DE:25 SE:9 Str:13 Cart:0) - 196 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Stirling synth
Scheermonnik Soek
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Woke up too early and couldn't really get back to sleep. But had a few naps here and there and ended up waking up from one of those a little later than I should. So it was rush time. I have a few soaps that stay in the bathroom drawers because their containers aren't standard. I was looking for Razor Master, but ran across this one. Good to go. Had nothing ready after jumping in the shower quickly so I applied some lather after I made it and let it sit on my face while getting everything else out. Seems to have worked well and I got a better shave than I was ready for. One little spot that's normal BBS, but the dolphins and singing everywhere else.

Have to leave work early to have an interview with the TSA. ..... I like to leave that hanging for just a second when I say it. Applied for TSA precheck, so I need to go in to do whatever it is they do to ensure I'm not going to try to set my shoes on fire in a plane. Then when I get home, it's time to start clearing out the bedroom. I think this drives my wife crazy. I'll say we're going to start on Saturday, but I'll get home today and think about all the work to come and start right away becau
se I want to get it over with. While in her mind, she was planning on putting it off until tomorrow.
Nice shave and you have me wondering how many days in a row I have shaved without missing. I'll have to run thru my journal to see if I can tell.
Nice shave and you have me wondering how many days in a row I have shaved without missing. I'll have to run thru my journal to see if I can tell.
Uh oh. Sounds like you better check. Could be the next nonsense thing we challenge each other too for some ribbing ?