The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I need to try Jermyn Street. For some reason I remember hearing that it’s onky available as a cream and not a soap...but I could totally be thinking of something else. So far my experiences with creams have always fallen a little short so I prefer soaps.
Jermyn Street is one of my favorite soaps in general.. I bring the cream as my travel soap. One of those creams that work in all types of waters. Plus it is great for the skin.
2019 shave #44 (DE:23 SE:8 Str:13 Cart:0) - 193 days of consecutive shaving
Parker Variant w/ Feather (1)
Razorock synth
TOBS Eaton College
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
TOBS Eaton College EdC

BOOM! Here she is Noir. Shave #2 for the day. Nice little clean up with the Variant set on 1. Super smooth shave.
The Nurse Man is saving up shaves for those “too busy” days to come! Nice!
The Nurse Man is saving up shaves for those “too busy” days to come! Nice!
Funny thing is I said I wasn't going to go for the 365 shaves this year. But now tracking how many days in a row I've shaved means if I skip one, that whole counter starts over. So it's almost worse!
2019 shave #45 (DE:24 SE:8 Str:13 Cart:0) - 194 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Feather (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Fine Platinum
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Nameless by Mark Buxton

As soon as Rich mentioned the Super Speed my heart sank. I should have used this long ago. This was part of my Christmas present from the Major. It is now out and on display and will get used now. I realize I also have a few other razors that are in the drawer I used to keep all my razor in that haven't been used for quite some time.

I have to say, I was surprised by this one. much more solid and efficient than I was expecting. I really got no blade feel, but it seems really efficient. No chatter, just the sound of hair removal. It is a short little guy, but
I find I don't really notice unless I'm specifically thinking about it. It worked well with the Feather. I'm assuming this is another one of those that's a mild razor and needs a nice sharp blade and wouldn't perform as well with a more mild blade.
I’m glad you like it Dave! I thought it may have got put away and I was curious how it worked for your (very manly) beard type. They are great for mine.
Great report Dave! See, who needs a fancy shmancy Timeless when a well weathered SS will do?
Namesless Aftershave huh?

Kind of reminds me of a 9th grade project where I had to come up with , produce and create a commercial for a product.
Mine product was One Night Stand After Shave.

Tag line was “One Night Stand, for those special one nighters”.