The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Saturday’s shave
2019 shave #40 (DE:20 SE:8 Str:12 Cart:0) - 190 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Razorock synth
TOBS Jermyn Street
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Sunday’s shave
2019 shave #41 (DE:21 SE:8 Str:12 Cart:0) - 191 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
Sterling synth
Oz Oil Can
Witch Hazel
Nivea post shave balm
2019 shave #42 (DE:21 SE:8 Str:13 Cart:0) - 192 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
The Club Hedonisme
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Too Sexy

Back home, back to work and back to the SS with a new blade. With the exception of a couple of hairs I got a BBS from it. It's taking a lot of concentration on the 3rd pass on the neck and it's an awkward stroke to get it done. I'll have to see if it becomes any more natural with time. I could see just regressing a bit and getting the 3 strokes done a little more quickly and count on using the timeless for a couple of strokes at the end.

Have my last (for now) weekend of major labor coming up. Have the carpet in the bedroom being replaced next Monday. So this weekend will be emptying out the bedroom and painting. I'll start nipping away at moving some of the smaller things out and edging during the week. This is probably the task I've been dreading the most. Because it's not just physical labor, it's cleaning and organizing and sorting and bears. Oh my!
Nice shave Dave. I'm sure it would get more natural if done regular but then no variety. You'll be a happy man after this carpet situation is done and over.
Nice shave Dave. I'm sure it would get more natural if done regular but then no variety. You'll be a happy man after this carpet situation is done and over.
Dave post shag carpet install:

Nice shave and shag carpet fot the win!
LOL, thanks guys. I'm even preparing. My parents have soft enough carpet in their house that I feel the roughness of my feet when I walk on it. And it's not like they are cracked or anything, but just dry enough to have the carpet almost stick to them. So I've been using Stirling foot cream per recommendation from Chado.

Not shag, but it doesn't make me think of my first apartment in college. Boy that was sweet with the dark wood paneling and green shag carpet. Bonus is that it never looked dirty. Or always looked dirty I guess.
I actually don’t mind painting. I usually do all the edging without tape. Just a brush with a good edge. I just take my time and cut the room in. It’s almost therapeutic for me lol.
I actually don’t mind painting. I usually do all the edging without tape. Just a brush with a good edge. I just take my time and cut the room in. It’s almost therapeutic for me lol.
I'm the same way. Actually tried the tape when I started the other rooms and it seemed like it didn't shave a lot of time. It's not the painting, it's the moving everything that I dread.
2019 shave #43 (DE:22 SE:8 Str:13 Cart:0) - 193 days of consecutive shaving
Parker Variant w/ Israeli Personna (2)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
TOBS Eaton College
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
TOBS Eaton College EdC

Well, I'm pretty dumb. I haven't used this razor in forever, so I did today. It was rough and tuggy and no good. I was wondering what I thought about it the last time I used it. After the shave I looked up my entry from the last time. I forgot the Personna is NOT the blade for me in that razor. Amazing how different even good blade can be in different razors. Love this razor with a Feather. Hate it with a Personna. So this is the 2nd time I've gotten a worse shave with this than I needed to! I took the blade out so there won't be a third time. I need to vary my DE use more so I'm not forgetting what each one is like.
Love the Eaton College Soaps .. good stuff.

Now see if you had been using the handy dandy Nerd-O-Journal Chart as I now do, you would have been able to easily determine what blade you should be using with what razor.
This is the first time in a VERY long time I have seen a journal entry with a TOBS soap or cream! Despite their being many other better products out there,,,TOBS is some good stuff! The scents are unique and the stuff is just fun! Sucks about the shave though. Better load up a feather!
Love the Eaton College Soaps .. good stuff.\n\nNow see if you had been using the handy dandy Nerd-O-Journal Chart as I now do, you would have been able to easily determine what blade you should be using with what razor.
\nThat\'s the sad part. I sorted my electronic journals by the Variant to see how many shaves I had on the blade that was in it. I just didn\'t click on the full entry to see I should have pulled the rip cord right there.
This is the first time in a VERY long time I have seen a journal entry with a TOBS soap or cream! Despite their being many other better products out there,,,TOBS is some good stuff! The scents are unique and the stuff is just fun! Sucks about the shave though. Better load up a feather!
Correct on all accounts. Everyone that likes PdP 63 or VS 40th needs to at least try Jermyn Street.
I enjoyed what time I had with TOBS Sandalwood, it was scented pleasantly and was really easy to lather, but looking back it just felt too synthetic.