The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #39 (DE:20 SE:8 Str:12 Cart:0) - 189 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Stirling synth
Sapone Di Paolo Terroso
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

You know what's not awkward? This shave. Had the time and inclination to keep up the straight skillz. I scored one of those shaves that ended up BBS without any clean-up passes from a DE. I'm happy about that, but would be happier if I knew what caused it to happen.

It's a good day today. I'm out of the office for a meeting and once I leave that, have an overnight in Napa to look forward to. Have everything set, but found out a musician my wife likes is playing there this week. So need to decide if we change plans to do that instead of dinner. Can't wait to get up there! Napa is beautiful year around and I love seeing how it changes with the seasons.
I booked a long weekend to Park City. But it's in April. Enjoy Napa
Is your trip within the range of the Tesla? Interested in how it does for out of town trips.
Is your trip within the range of the Tesla? Interested in how it does for out of town trips.
Within range for sure. I haven’t charged it up to 100% yet (not supposed to unless you really need every mile of range), but at 90% it has a range of 240 miles. But we will be driving around from place to place quite a bit. So I’ll stop for a quick charge on the way and there’s a charger at the hotel.
I have never been to Napa but I have been to Monterey. I know it's not exactly the same, but such a beautiful place! I'll get back there someday! Hope the trip went/is going great!
I have never been to Napa but I have been to Monterey. I know it's not exactly the same, but such a beautiful place! I'll get back there someday! Hope the trip went/is going great!
Thanks man. Tell your wife I can hook you up with some nice tastings ?
This is where we tasted yesterday morning. Pretty nice. They didn’t have any of the last vintage of a couple wines for us to taste so we went right to the barrel since we were interest.