The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Yesterday's shave

2019 shave #12 (DE:8 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 162 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
Sudsy Soapery White Sage and Lime
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Ahhhh, much better with the Wilkie blade in it. I need to remember not to mess with this combination. Super smooth and zero irritation. Winner all around.
2019 shave #13 (DE:9 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 163 days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Feather (1)
Custom synth
The Club - The Closer
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
The Club - The Closer AS

Interesting, I tried a totally new blade in this guy and still got the blade vibration. I swear I would have noticed that and called it out if I experienced it the very first time I used it. I'll have to go back and watch my on video to see if I hear it. Anyway, that's a bummer. It didn't effect the shave. I got a ni
ce BBS. But it disrupts the overall experience for sure.
Yesterday's shave

2019 shave #12 (DE:8 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 162 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
Sudsy Soapery White Sage and Lime
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Ahhhh, much better with the Wilkie blade in it. I need to remember not to mess with this combination. Super smooth and zero irritation. Winner all around.

Brushless shave eh?
2019 shave #13 (DE:9 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 163 days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Feather (1)
Custom synth
The Club - The Closer
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
The Club - The Closer AS

Interesting, I tried a totally new blade in this guy and still got the blade vibration. I swear I would have noticed that and called it out if I experienced it the very first time I used it. I'll have to go back and watch my on video to see if I hear it. Anyway
, that's a bummer. It didn't effect the shave. I got a nice BBS. But it disrupts the overall experience for sure.

Maybe it just has the same issue at low speeds as its namesake. Try Shaving faster!
2019 shave #14 (DE:9 SE:2 Str:3 Cart:0) - 164 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Pro(1)
TSC Legacy
CBL Roasted Oatmeal Stout
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

This was my first rodeo with the Pro blade. It's tough to call the outcome because I'm gotten some pretty sweet shaves with the Proguard. This certainly is up there with the best of those shaves. I also did push this shave with a touch
of clean-up that shouldn't have been done other than for my own pursuit of a super close shave. Prior to the extraneous passes, I could feel that there was just a touch more incremental irritation than with the Proguard. I'm not sure what else to call that. But the feeling that this shave was just a wee bit too close for the face to be able to put up with it daily. I think with the Proguard on the RX I could probably do 5-6 shaves in a row without feeling like I should take a day off from it. With the Pro it felt more like 3 would do it. I could tell that I also needed to concentrate a bit more on the no pressure thing. Maybe a good summary would be this is like a Proguard shave if you remove any safety cushion.

Nothing big over the weekend. Got a few tasks done and reorganized the garage a bit. Got the last of the artwork we bought at the last auction delivered after sitting with FedEx for a week, so happy about that. And had a electrician that does side jobs on the weekends look at the house to install an outlet to charge the car. We have a dickens of a time getting contractors for small jobs like that around here. There is so much building in the Bay Area that nobody is interested in the small jobs. Last year we had our electrical panel replaced on the side of the house, which meant a big whole chipped out of our stucco. The hardest thing was getting someone out to fix that since it just needed a couple hours of work over a couple of days. The trades are sure still something you can make a good living at. At least around here.
2019 shave #15 (DE:10 SE:2 Str:3 Cart:0) - 165 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (3)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Chiseled Face Easy Street
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face Easy Street AS

You may think of the as the crazies. I call them the TSC 3017ers. In a show of solidarity for a day, I decided to use a Chiseled Face soap. You go with your bad selves you crazy guys!

As per my answer to Sharp's
question, this is a perfect example of a time when a "boring" ole shave is needed. After yesterday's super closeness that I'm still feeling the effects of, a mild shave as indeed in order. Even knowing how good a shave the 6S gives, I was still impressed. Even with the residual neck tenderness I have, I got no further irritation and no alum sting from the 6S shave. Now, I just need to not repeat yesterday's shave so I can get some more SE and straight shaves in.
Oh I understand the need for the recovery shave. Holding a shave to two passes too, helps for me.

Can I get your thoughts on your El Dorado experience?
Hey wait a minute! Where is Dave’s asterisk?!?!?!

He didn't make a commitment under false pretenses.