The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #10 (DE:6 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 160 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (1)
PannaCrema Nuavia Rossa
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Next up, the 6S. This one DOES work well with the Feather blade. This has less blade feel to it than the Timeless. And I'm not sure how to explain it. The Timeless felt like a rounded edge with a little blade sliding against my face. I really felt roundness with it. The 6S
, didn't have that exaggerated round feeling to it. The handle is shorter that what I have with the Timeless and felt much more balanced because of it. Even wrapping my pinkie around the end of the handle, I find my hand not all that far from the head and thus feel there is a bit more control. The shave was great with no alum sting or irritation on the neck at all.

Just have to mention, the Rossa is one of the few soaps that I don't even feel the desire to use a scent with. The scent lingers for hours and that's without any mammoth painting.
2 things I notice,
1- After the Holy black razor, all of a sudden your Timeless has too long of a handle
2-You just post Paladin for brush but have multiple and we need details since there's NO picture
Other than that, have a great day and don't forget to tell your boss I gave you the day off tomorrow !!
2 things I notice,
1- After the Holy black razor, all of a sudden your Timeless has too long of a handle
2-You just post Paladin for brush but have multiple and we need details since there's NO picture
Other than that, have a great day and don't forget to tell your boss I gave you the day off tomorrow !!

Well, let me be all to serious about this. I just got curious about which of my three favorite DEs I would choose as my very bestest favorite. And since they all rock, I need to get a little nit-picky and think about things I normally wouldn't so one can pull ahead of the others. So I wouldn't say I've determined it's too long, just that I noticed that I have to counter act the off balancing of the Timeless during certain strokes.

You are correct, and I figured you might point it out at some time. Just like I have no idea what soap base each of my soaps is, I have no idea what my Paladins are called. That's why I haven't answered your question about which handle my last one I showed was. I have no idea. My wife knows the names of all the different colours of Paladins and most of the handle shape names as well. I keep forgetting to ask her. I was going to pull out the little cards that came with them, but I think that doesn't mention the name of the handle either. And I really don't know the differences in knots. I supposed I'm just a Paladin user, not a connoisseur.
IIRC, you asked about the Cleo and the other looks like a PK-47 but would have to look. Both are gorgeous. And I get your narrowing razors down out of curiosity. Thanks for being serious. Now back to mayhem mode
Well ok, I should remember Cleo after that discussion. But who the heck is going to remember PK-47.

Chris, I have those written down in reminders on my phone. Duh.
So what's that 3rd one you have called
You asking technically the name of the handle shape for the brush of shame?
Uhhh, don’t they say what they are on the back of the handle?