The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Well all caught up. Glad you used the Cherry City soap that I sent in. He makes good soap and has great customer service. Ships very quickly.

And then I read about the bromance going on.
Not far from the truth! A secret between you, me, Dave’s journal, and the parents used to call me pumpkin head (and some of my uncles, Tweetybird) when I was little. It was due to my, then, large brainiac dome.
And now they call you.....
2019 shave #9 (DE:5 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 159 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Feather (1)
Sorrentino Seafoam
L&L After the Rain
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
L&L After the Rain AS

Thought I'd work on figuring out if I can pick a favorite DE. Used the Timeless today with a Feather blade. I was thinking I need to compare them all with the same blade, but I guess that's a restriction that doesn't make sense when determining "the
best". It should be which can give the best shave for me. I realized this on the third pass and getting a little irritation on the neck. There's a reason I had a Wilkinson Sword blade in it. I'll say there is a little blade feel, but other than the feel of the last irritation, the blade itself feels smooth as silk.

I don't normally think of handle length, but I concentrated on all aspect of the razor this time. If pushed to be picky about it, I would say this is just a touch long. The reason being when I do certain stroke, I move my hand away from the head of the razor and having a longer handle shifts the balance point far to the head side. This obviously doesn't cause an issue because I compensate for it, but there is an imbalance there. And the smoothness of the razor leads to one issue. Complacency. I realized I need to think more about paying attention to pressure with this razor more than others. In other razors where you need to watch your pressure because it will bite you, you really do tend to think about the pressure for safety reasons. The Timeless is so thoughtless, I almost feel like it doesn't matter if I add pressure or not. And then the irritation sneaks up on you. I'll reevaluate that with the Wilkinson blade. I do believe that's such a good fit that added pressure really doesn't matter.
But have you really tested that razor if you haven't put a Graham Field blade in it?
I like your thought process with this test.

I have been trying to find the similar situation. Took 6 weeks to try to find that with my Blackbird 9-10 razors. Took one shave and one blade with the Mergress. Now trying to find that with the CG. My goal is to find the perfect set up for each razor. Than to choose the best one I got.
I like your thought process with this test. \n\nI have been trying to find the similar situation. Took 6 weeks to try to find that with my Blackbird 9-10 razors. Took one shave and one blade with the Mergress. Now trying to find that with the CG. My goal is to find the perfect set up for each razor. Than to choose the best one I got.
\nDibbs on the Mergress when it drops down the list of best
Dibbs on the Mergress when it drops down the list of best

i don’t know. Overall it gives the overall best satisfaction so far. Easy to use and mindless. Though since I will be using the CH most of this month let me know if you want to borrow it for a run.
\n\ni don’t know. Overall it gives the overall best satisfaction so far. Easy to use and mindless. Though since I will be using the CH most of this month let me know if you want to borrow it for a run.
\nThat would be nice when you move on to something else. Don\'t know if I told you but was looking at it and went away for a little. Later I saw you post you bought one and I had instant regrets ???
That would be nice when you move on to something else. Don't know if I told you but was looking at it and went away for a little. Later I saw you post you bought one and I had instant regrets

It was priced to well not too. Ok. Will reach out later today for you. See when I can get it in the post office.
No and Yes.

funny I was just going to put out for a sell or trade of a TI SR and or one of my Paladins for a Vector the RX would be fun. though hear agressive. In a good way.