The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Catching up Dave. Lots of great shaves in there! The SR-71 sounds like a real winner, the only turn off I see is the handle size, but sounds like that wasn’t an issue for you.

I’ve also been playing a lot of Red Dead lately. I tell my wife she had to let me play otherwise I won’t be able to feed my horse. I usually get an eye roll followed by “fine, but I’m not watching you play video games all night!” Lol.
Catching up Dave. Lots of great shaves in there! The SR-71 sounds like a real winner, the only turn off I see is the handle size, but sounds like that wasn’t an issue for you.

I’ve also been playing a lot of Red Dead lately. I tell my wife she had to let me play otherwise I won’t be able to feed my horse. I usually get an eye roll followed by “fine, but I’m not watching you play video games all night!” Lol.
I'm thinking maybe the thickness of the handle makes up for some of the shortness?

I'm terrible about paying attention to onscreen instructions and story line, so I think I might be missing chunks of the game. Unless it's standard to have to ride on your horse for 20min to get to the next activity. I also like to hang out playing poker a lot.
I'm terrible about paying attention to onscreen instructions and story line, so I think I might be missing chunks of the game. Unless it's standard to have to ride on your horse for 20min to get to the next activity. I also like to hang out playing poker a lot.

Thats the glory of a sandbox style game! Storyline be damned!
2019 shave #8 (DE:4 SE:1 Str:3 Cart:0) - 158 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard(1)
Plissoft in Shave Revolution handle
TOBS Jermyn Street
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
TOBS Jermyn Street AS

Good morning to all the beautiful people! And to those of you that skipped your shave as well. I thought about using the Timeless to get a comparison with the SR-71, but I have other plans for that. So I fixed
the injustice of not having a SE shave yet this year. I think the finished product between the 71 and the RX are pretty similar. And I smell pretty too.
Oh, I have a couple of straights. Been a weird journey because I feel pretty confident with the Feather SS now and just need to fine tune the technique on my neck. But every time I go to the Weck or a real straight, I just get stalling and tugging and frustration. And with the few times with the straight I found the stropping annoying. Possibly because I need to get out and mount my strop each time I use it then put it away. But that's not going to change.

I'm not shy at admitting I'm a bit of an edge snob. I have real wiry whiskers and sort of sensitive face, so I can't deal with a razor that doesn't have a top notch edge.
If you want, feel free to send me one and I'll make sure it's up to my standards at least. Then you can see if you have better luck.
I have a few Wecks, but never found the blades for them to be as sharp as a Feather or one of my own edges. I've only tried some vintage Amco and new Personna blades, but they just aren't there for me.
I'm not shy at admitting I'm a bit of an edge snob. I have real wiry whiskers and sort of sensitive face, so I can't deal with a razor that doesn't have a top notch edge.
If you want, feel free to send me one and I'll make sure it's up to my standards at least. Then you can see if you have better luck.
I have a few Wecks, but never found the blades for them to be as sharp as a Feather or one of my own edges. I've only tried some vintage Amco and new Personna blades, but they just aren't there for me.
That's interesting what you say about Weck blades. I was using that to give a straight shaving experience without the chance of me messing up the blade being a factor. And I sure do get them to stall and skip just like a straight.
That's interesting what you say about Weck blades. I was using that to give a straight shaving experience without the chance of me messing up the blade being a factor. And I sure do get them to stall and skip just like a straight.
That sounds like to steep of an angle possibly. Or just very dull blades
That sounds like to steep of an angle possibly. Or just very dull blades
Yep, it sounds like that. Swear it drives me crazy, because I can get a smooth shave with the SS. I bought new blades. Watch my angle knowing it's a problem. I'll even try to shave with the thing pretty much laying on my face. Just don't know. One of my videos I attempted a straight shave with my hardly used Stark straight and same darn thing.
Wetter lather helps too. You want more slickness than you need with a DE. I can send you one of mine to try the edge if you want and see if it's that contributing. It'll be ready to go out of the box and not need stropped or anything to eliminate any variable outside of lather and technique. Up to you.
Appreciate all the willingness to help. I got a straight from Chris of the soap fame that was ready to go. As well as my new Stark that I bought shave ready. There is some controversy as to how well the Stark blades are actually sharpened. But, through all that, I've found my experience with each of them to be the same. Which tells me it's my technique somehow rather than the blade. But it's gotten to the point where I need to decide how much work it's worth. Because even if I do learn it, I really don't see myself being serious about the upkeep for those things.
Stay out of this Pumpkin

Not far from the truth! A secret between you, me, Dave’s journal, and the parents used to call me pumpkin head (and some of my uncles, Tweetybird) when I was little. It was due to my, then, large brainiac dome.
