The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Very nice ride Dave! I think you should name it Snuffleupagus so the kids won’t ask to drive it
Somehow I don't think that will stop them.
My next vehicle will be a hybrid or pure electric. My plan five years ago was to have one by now, but my last car outlived its value prematurely and I had to get one in a hurry. I do like the Sentra I bought, with all its bells and whistles.
First off 6 ladies dancing can be had. You have to go this place called Ricks Cabaret in New York but it shows up as VCG Holdings on the Credit Card statement.

Love Fart mode in the car .. I have to remeber to look for that option next time I am getting a car.
First off 6 ladies dancing can be had. You have to go this place called Ricks Cabaret in New York but it shows up as VCG Holdings on the Credit Card statement. \n
\nThat\'s some dark web knowledge there buddy
2019 shave #4 (DE:3 SE:0 Str:1 Cart:0) - 154 days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Feather (1)
A&E Grecian Horse
Witch Hazel
Nivea Post Shave Balm
A&E Grecian Horse AS

I don't happen to own any Honey Bee soaps for the group shave today, so just your standard outstanding shave. My SR-71 rolled in yesterday so I had to take it for a test flight. To answer TJ's question, this thing is shorter, stockier and heavier than the 6S. I was surprised it was heavier given it's shorter, but it is DENSE. I was a bit worried about the length, but the weight makes up for it and I didn't find myself frustrated by it. I either just happened to hit everything correctly, or this is a sweet shaver. I'll say it's very similar to the Timeless in that it almost feels like there's no blade in it at times, but from the sound you can tell it's super efficient. I love this thing. And now I'm getting to the point with my razors as I am with my soaps and feeling like I don't get to each of them enough. Certainly not a bad problem to have, but might be getting close to the point of getting rid of a couple at some point.

At the home, I talked to Tesla about getting solar cells on the roof. I was surprised that the cost is a lot less than I thought it would be and that it's worth doing as long as your electric bill is at least $50/month. They should pay for themselves in 6 years or so. So it's a no-brainer. The only hold back is how much fog we get at the house and I still need to ask them about that. But I would encourage anyone to find out about solar in your area. How cool would it be to pay nothing at all for your power as soon as the system is paid off?
We have considered solar, what is holding me back is I see myself needing a new roof within the next 5 years. I think I will do it when we make that purchase.
We have considered solar, what is holding me back is I see myself needing a new roof within the next 5 years. I think I will do it when we make that purchase.
Ya, we're more like 2-3 years from a new roof. So the plan would be for them to replace the side where the panels are going.
Ya, we're more like 2-3 years from a new roof. So the plan would be for them to replace the side where the panels are going.

I have heard from people here that if you have panels on your roof, and when you do a roof repair work you have to pay to store the panels, and that cost can be pretty hefty, and then you basically pay for another installation. The way our roof is I think it will be do the whole roof replacement and panels at the same time. But I definitely want them! Especially since Utah now allows you to do one of two things, store the excess power on site at your residence, OR transfer it back the grid so in summer months the power company owes you money, which would basically make the whole year a wash.
Very cool - I know Tesla's panels look like normal roof which is pretty cool so you don't have to have the huge solar panels on the roof. Definitely a cool thing.
Just finally got caught up, Dave. Great journal. A very late congratulations on the "trifecta" of 100 DE shaves, 100 SE shaves, and 100 straight shaves. Nicely done!
That SR-71 looks interesting. And I’m in! You have me curious.
That SR-71 looks pretty sweet Dave! Sounds like a great shaver too!

We have considered solar, what is holding me back is I see myself needing a new roof within the next 5 years. I think I will do it when we make that purchase.

There are solar companies out here that will work in a roof replacement when they do your solar installation and it’s all included in the cost. For some this is an easier option as you can usually finance the cost of the roof instead of having to pay upfront, and then do the solar. Also, a lot of solar companies won’t install anything if they feel your roof is nearing replacement. But for what it’s worth, I have talked to a few roofers recently who said that if a roof is installed properly and your attic is ventilated properly, a shingle roof’s lifespan is indefinite. Food for thought lol.
I'm not buying a shingle roof is good for life. Not saying they didn't claim that but man, you ever clean a gutter of all the pieces of asphalt rinsed into them ?
I'm not buying a shingle roof is good for life. Not saying they didn't claim that but man, you ever clean a gutter of all the pieces of asphalt rinsed into them ?

Yeah I thought thought the same thing. I think what they were trying to say is that they will last much longer than what people generally think. Also, when people talk about a 30 year roof or a 50 year roof (I think the type of shingle determines this) it’s not the lifespan that references but the shingle manufacturers warranty against defects. I never knew that either.
Yeah I thought thought the same thing. I think what they were trying to say is that they will last much longer than what people generally think. Also, when people talk about a 30 year roof or a 50 year roof (I think the type of shingle determines this) it’s not the lifespan that references but the shingle manufacturers warranty against defects. I never knew that either.
Yeah, also shape such as architectural shingles last longer than 3 tabs. heat is it's enemy so ventilation can help I'm sure.
I'll say I don't know much about roofs other than I don't want mine to fail in the rain. Per what Dave said, there is a ton of the little grit from the shingles in our gutters that I clean out a few times a year. My understanding is that's one of the causes of needing a new roof. The shingles are made out of fiberglass (I can attest to that by my itchy arms when I'm putting up the Christmas lights). And the gravel stuff protects and water-proofs the fiberglass, so when the gravel stuff is too thin or gone, the water is starting to soak into the fiberglass. I could be totally wrong about that, but it's at least something visible to me that makes sense.

The Tesla tiles that looks like slate tiles are about 4x more expensive than a single roof, so we'll be going with the standard panels.
Yesterday's shave

2019 shave #5 (DE:4 SE:0 Str:1 Cart:0) - 155 days of consecutive shaving
THB SR-71 w/ Feather (2)
Sorrentino something or other
CBL Cigar Shop Cowboy
Witch Hazel
Nivea Post Shave Balm

Well shave #2 with the 71 and it was just as good, no even better than the first shave. I had a touch of neck irritation with the first one and nothing at all with the 2nd one. And I was in a bit of a rush. I found out some folks at my daughter's mom's house have the flu. So I was off to pick her up and get her out of there as soon as I could after hearing about it. Don't need to deal with that here too!
2019 shave #6 (DE:4 SE:0 Str:2 Cart:0) - 156 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard(2)
Cherry City Willamette Woods
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Had this sample for some time courtesy of the soap swap. I wanted to try Cherry City since it's from my home state. I was concentrating on the shave since I was using the SS, but from what I remember the scent it's a bit mild, probably 2/5 with a subtle pine scent to it. I did enjoy it, though it didn't grab you because it wasn't t
hat strong. The lather itself was good and I noticed some good residual when rinsing off. Better than middle of the road, but not elite slickness while shaving. I'm likely to buy some of his stuff because it is good soap and he's one of our own.

The shave was decent. The usual BBS on the cheeks, but there was enough roughness on the lower neck that I grabbed the SR-71 for a couple quick clean-up strokes to end up with an overall BBS.

Holidays are over, so it's time for me to pick the next house projects. We picked out new carpet for our bedroom last night, so might as well paint while I empty that out in a month or two when they are ready to install. So might as well repaint the main room and hallway to match. So that's all on deck. Bought a couple of paint samples last night to try out. Going to install a heavy duty hanger in the main room some where as well. We have far too much art to hang up all at one and only one place to hang our bigger/heavier pieces. With the ones we bought at the last auction I really would like to be able to see more up.

Oldest turned 14 yesterday, so we went out for breakfast this morning and then over to the grandparents tonight for dinner. Meanwhile I need to just motivate myself to get little chores done instead of plopping down for a little (a lot) of Red Dead.
Sounds like a good weekend Dave. Hope the flu avoids your house!

An afternoon of Red Dead sounds good to me!