The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #356 (DE:137 SE:100 Str:116 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (8)

Sorrentino Chess Piece
Fine Platinum
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Opus

Just loggin' the shave. Even a touch closer than yesterday. I thought I might have had some alum sting on the neck because I did pursue the wet BBS a bit, but nope. So good stuff.

Busy today today. Ran up to Napa to pick up our wine shipments, then I did replace that string of lights on the house that went out. Rescued an ear pod the fell into the seat at the seat belt hole and got some shopping done. Just got all the wine labeled and put away and the oil-less turkey fryer put together. Busy busy. Tomorrow should be more mellow.
2018 shave #357 (DE:137 SE:101 Str:116 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)

SV 2.0 brush
SV Opuntia
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
SV Opuntia AS

I went decadent today. I would have to probably say that either this or the Nuavia Rossa is my favorite scent. I came out and out old was like "Whhhooooeeeee that's strong! It's burning my nose!" And I was across the room and didn't go crazy with the AS. Good stuff! It's a good 8 hours later and I'm still decently strong to myself.

Did a few little more prep things and I think we have all the ingredients we need for the big meals. Hard to believe it's just two days away. It does feel different being at home without any other family here yet. I think it takes on a more special air when we're traveling to the event. I work tomorrow, but it certainly won't be for 8 hours. I've almost always been off around Christmas, so I volunteered to work Christmas Eve this year since we're around. My wife will take the girls to see the new Mary Poppins movie tomorrow early, so it's a win for everyone ?