The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Congrats on the triple triple Dave! Not sure what the inside joke is with the cart shave for Chad, but it’s definitely some Chop busting I can get behind on an annual basis!
Congrats on the triple triple Dave! Not sure what the inside joke is with the cart shave for Chad, but it’s definitely some Chop busting I can get behind on an annual basis!

A while back while he was on a trip, Chad made the mistake of shaving with a cart and saying it wasn’t that bad. Supreme ribbing ensued; especially from the v-loggers!

That is probably the most fun video I’ve done. Pretty amusing day.
A while back while he was on a trip, Chad made the mistake of shaving with a cart and saying it wasn’t that bad. Supreme ribbing ensued; especially from the v-loggers!

Chris I was fearful that when you were going back into the shower that you were pulling out the razor your wife was currently using at that time. I was prepared for a horror show.
2018 shave #355 (DE:137 SE:100 Str:115 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (7)

Paladin Brush of Shame
WCS Camp Fire

Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

This is one of those days that starts off so well I'm really trying to just enjoy it, while also wondering what's going to come along to screw it up.

Nice brisk morning and I rolled into the bathroom without a tub of soap with a plan to just pick a sample that was in there. Camp Fire sounded like the perfect scent for the day. I'm really digging this one and will need a full tub. Now, I usually change an AC blade after 6 shaves, but decided to roll the dice and it paid off. This was just a beautiful shave. I had the dolphins singing on the cheeks after the third pass, and the neck dried down to a BBS and the best results I've ever gotten from just three passes with a straight. No alum sting to top it all off and BOOM goes the GTB!

Then I roll into work to find a 6-pack with a gold bow sitting on my desk. I knew who it was from right away and had to laugh. One of the docs I work closely with is quite the renegade and though alcohol in the hospital is a huge no-no, this doc who I often see rolling in on his day off in shorts and flip flops would be the one to not really care about the rules. Now, I HATE beer, but he wrote a note that these are his 6 favorites from 2018. Appreciating the thought and time related to this, I'll give a few a try with my dad next week.

All this on the heels of an unexpected package last night from our own TJ that also made me laugh and put a smile on my face. Cheers to you! Love ya brother!

So if this day keeps rolling like it's planned, my new to me car will be delivered to the house this afternoon. Come on 7s keep rollin!
That's what he did !

There is no way that he could have used the exact same brush that his wife used.. After she used it and gotten a quality shave?
That just doe not happen. My sister used to do that to me all the time and the blade would be shot... wads of toilet paper that still could not stop the bleeding.

Oh Yeah, nice shave Dave.

Now, where was I? Oh Yeah, The simple physical makeup of a women's leg and leg hair just don't make that possible to serve as a dual purpose roll.
\n\nThere is no way that he could have used the exact same brush that his wife used.. After she used it and gotten a quality shave? \nThat just doe not happen. My sister used to do that to me all the time and the blade would be shot... wads of toilet paper that still could not stop the bleeding.\n\n
\nI know and we were all cringing, but you don\'t know the lengths Chris will go to not waste a razor on 1 use
\n\nThere is no way that he could have used the exact same brush that his wife used.. After she used it and gotten a quality shave? \nThat just doe not happen. My sister used to do that to me all the time and the blade would be shot... wads of toilet paper that still could not stop the bleeding. \n
\nShhhh, he\'s like 14. He pretends to \"shave\" we all play along.
Oh gawd...rofl. Don’t worry, I’ll still like all you guys when you’re shaving in Depends.