The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #353 (DE:137 SE:99 Str:114 Cart:3)
Parker Variant w/ Israeli Personna (1)

SV 2.0
Strop Shoppe Alpine Frost
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet

I know, you all keep checking in to see if I'll hit 100 SE shaves before the end of the year for the triple digit hat trick. Well, not today my friends. Wanted to get a little more time with the Variant. Which I haven't even used 5 times yet. I forgot the Personna is NOT the blade for me in that razor. Amazing how different even good blade can be in different razors. Love this razor with a Feather. Hate it with a Personna. I almost stopped after the 3rd pass to change blades, but I toughed it out to see what the end results were. The shave was painful with a lot of tugging. But the end result was A very nice BBS with no Alum sting.

Half of a string of lights went out on the house. My wife is hoping they will get replaced. I'm hoping Christmas comes fast enough I don't have to and I'll just toss em when I take them down.

Spent some time in the kitchen making treats for Christmas. My mom is always the one to make many different things to grab on your way through the kitchen and fill dessert trays. So that aspect is sorely missing when we do Christmas at our house. She's going to bring down a couple of things, but I thought I'd step it up this year.
My wife is hoping they will get replaced.......... I'm hoping Christmas comes fast enough I don't have to

I wonder which one of you is Hoping more than the other????
Nice shave Dave! Better get those lights replaced sir. Santa is watching....


You’re making extra treats correct? Santa can always be bought off. Smart move by you!
2018 shave #354 (DE:137 SE:100 Str:114 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (2)

Sorrentino Sea Foam
CBL Madagascar Spice
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Mark Buxton Nameless

I'm calling this the triple triple of shaving. 100 DE shaves, 100 SE shaves and 100 straight shaves in a year. Boom! Adding that to the back of my shaving trading card stats.
2018 shave #354 (DE:137 SE:100 Str:114 Cart:3)

I'm calling this the triple triple of shaving. 100 DE shaves, 100 SE shaves and 100 straight shaves in a year. Boom! Adding that to the back of my shaving trading card stats.
