The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Just touched my screen...that’s pretty darn smooth Dave, good shave!

I hate the times my sicknesses coincide with my time off. It’s like the immune system knows you’re getting time off and plans it’s own vacation accordingly. Hoping the sickness passes from your house without further incident.
Good shaves. and hope the family gets all healthy before the holidays.
Nice shave Dave! Hope everyone gets everything out of their system before Christmas so you can all enjoy it!
Thank you guys. The little one bounced back quick and is sure ready for school tomorrow!
Hope yesterday wasn't too busy. And hoping the young-ins feel better. Hope that you are able to head that cold off at the pass so you can enjoy your time off and the holidays!
2018 shave #352 (DE:136 SE:99 Str:114 Cart:3)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)

Plissoft in Shave Revolution handle
Sapone Di Paolo Terroso
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

Through his video, honorary DaveNoir reminded me not to let too much time pass without a straight shave. Totally right. Don't let those skillz fade. So I followed suit with a SS shave of my own. Skillz are right where I left them. Super nice BBS on the cheeks and DFS+ on the neck without cleanup. I'll take that all day long. Enjoying the Terroso and B683 as nice warm scents for a cool day.

Think we finally have everything in the house and wrapped and under the tree. The meal lists are coming together. Watched the concert from Chad's hood last night (Mormon Tabernacle Choir) and from DaveNoir's hood early this morning. Til the season gentlemen!
Good shave NurseNoir! Nothing like a household ready for the big day! Anything special on the menu this year? Turducken?
Good shave NurseNoir! Nothing like a household ready for the big day! Anything special on the menu this year? Turducken?
Well, we're doing the big meal the day after. First year using an oil-less turkey fryer. All the standard fixin's.

Christmas dinner will be more of snacks and things. I'll make a cheese ball, and monkey bread with brie and cranberry sauce.
Glad to hear that your youngun' is feeling better.

Nice to see the TOBS make an appearance. I may just have to give one of mine a go in the near future.