The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #348 (DE:135 SE:97 Str:113 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)

The Brush of Shame
A&E Spartacus
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

Oh ya! Been a long time since The Doctor came for a visit. Nice soak in a hot shower and then took my time getting reacquainted with my friend here. Was able to hold off on any added pressure and had a very nice shave. Afterwards, the clouds parted and the winged dolphins of shaving heaven began to sing. Ya, I keep touching my face. So what?

The holiday concert our youngest was in which I thought was going to be an hour, ended up being two. Nuff said about that.
2 hours?!? Must’ve been a double encore! Or did they refuse to go on stage until they each had a brandy glass full of brown M&M’s?
Divided up into three different band and 6 or 7 individual groups. With an intermission for snack sales.
Good shave today Dave!

The concert double whammied you for time and snacks? Poo poo! ?
Great shave! At least they made enough in snack sales and didn’t keep you for a third round.

Well Dave really likes Reeses. So him and his wife went out to go to the restroom. He figured while waiting he went and picked up a Reeses. Then he couldn't see his wife anywhere so assumed she went back to her seat. When he got there she wasn't there. So he sat and waited. Now remember she hates peanut butter but knew he likes it, after waiting in line at the restroom she went out and saw no line at the snacks. So she went and grabbed her husband who she loves dearly a Resses. Then proceeded back to her seat to see him eating a Reeses!

The Reeses of SHAME!
Well Dave really likes Reeses. So him and his wife went out to go to the restroom. He figured while waiting he went and picked up a Reeses. Then he couldn't see his wife anywhere so assumed she went back to her seat. When he got there she wasn't there. So he sat and waited. Now remember she hates peanut butter but knew he likes it, after waiting in line at the restroom she went out and saw no line at the snacks. So she went and grabbed her husband who she loves dearly a Resses. Then proceeded back to her seat to see him eating a Reeses!

The Reeses of SHAME!
OMG too funny!!!!! Thanks Chad
2018 shave #349 (DE:135 SE:98 Str:113 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (2)

Sorrentino Oregon State
Storybook Soapworks Elysium
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1

2018 shave #350 (DE:136 SE:98 Str:113 Cart:3)
Pre-war Tech w/ Feather (2)

Stirling Synth
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hallward's Dream AS

Yesterday's and today's shave. I feel like I have KJitis. Feeling like I"d much rather just post a video of my shave than write about it.
Yesterday's and today's shave. I feel like I have KJitis. Feeling like I"d much rather just post a video of my shave than write about it.
Its much easier for me to do the commentary on the fly and tell you what I think while I’m experiencing it, than to write up something later and try to remember what I wanted to say about it.
2018 shave #351 (DE:136 SE:99 Str:113 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)

Sorrentino Chess Piece
TOBS Eaton College
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
TOBS Eaton College EdC

Do you hear the dolphins? Oooo baby, what a nice shave. Did perfect with the pressure, and concentrating on where my stroke are. Had no clean up and I'm smooth as....well come feel for yourself!

Busy day yesterday with a party and a concert, but things went smoothly. Littlest one is fairly sick, but she was a trooper with DayQuil but I doubt she'll be going to school today. I'm dealing with a cold that I'm waiting to get worse but is kind of lingering. That's fine. Hoping we're sick now and not at Christmas, but it has yet to work its way through the family. This week's task, get the meal planning for next week done!
Had no clean up and I'm smooth as....well come feel for yourself!

Just touched my screen...that’s pretty darn smooth Dave, good shave!

I hate the times my sicknesses coincide with my time off. It’s like the immune system knows you’re getting time off and plans it’s own vacation accordingly. Hoping the sickness passes from your house without further incident.