The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I don’t know if Don should do the butt rub thing until the nurse is properly rested. If the gloves come up to the elbow ... run Don!
2018 shave #345 (DE:134 SE:96 Str:113 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)

Razorock synth
CBL Cigar Shop Indian
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

I'm missing an RX smooth shave, but I'm dragging tonight so thought better of putting that to my face. Did pick a nice enjoyable scent. Timeless made a nice brainless shave again and I get how KJ could get bored with unending effortless shaves. We need a little spice up in there.
Sorry your dragging Dave. Hope this strike business is over and done soon.

Keep making progress on that 365 shaves!
You were up at 2:30 and breakfast wasn’t ready when I woke up? Things are gonna change around here....

Hope you get some rest soon!
LOL, I'd be upset if I were you too!
That brush is a real beauty Dave, I’m glad your wife is letting you use it before Christmas! Mine would have confiscated it and wrapped it up! You are a lucky man!
That brush is a real beauty Dave, I’m glad your wife is letting you use it before Christmas! Mine would have confiscated it and wrapped it up! You are a lucky man!
I already had that happen with a razor!
Mrs Rich must at least rank Lieutenant Colonel.....
True! It was a tradition, at least in the Air Force, that when we pinned on new Rank, we presented our spouse with a rank pin one rank higher than we just put on..... to signify the importance the Spouse plays in supporting the military member and taking care of things on the homefront while the military member is away.
True! I was a tradition, at least in the Air Force, that when we pinned on new Rank, we presented our spouse with a rank pin one rank higher than we just put on..... to signify the importance the Spouse plays in supporting the military member and taking care of things on the homefront while the military member is away.
That is super cool! Never heard that before.