The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2nd shave:

2018 shave #327 (DE:119 SE:93 Str:113 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword

RazoRock synth
CBL The Shaving Cadre
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
Penhaligon’s Endymion EdC

Spent several hours today getting most of the outside lights done. Decided on a shower and shave before dinner to wash the day off and treat myself to a BBS shave after two DFS straight shaves. I still swear that Chad snuck some tumbleweed into this soap. After the first stroke I had to check to make sure there was a blade in the Timeless. That’s how smooth it was today. Ended up DSBBS-G. That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Nice shaves Dave! That Snow Dog scent sounds pretty interesting, but probably not something I’d want to use on a daily basis.

Good work on the lights! I’m putting ours up tomorrow.
House is looking nice Dave! I got most of the lights up yesterday also...but need to add a couple more things today. I'll try to snap a pic and maybe we can get a thread going. Glad to hear that that the leak wasn't much. And as far as it coming out the light and not the vent...water will travel in mysterious ways. This exact same thing happened to my house. We had some driving rain and water was being pushed in at some weird angle. The roofer came to take a look and said that our roof was fine but some flashing around our vent was pulled up a little bit. Replaced and haven't had any issues.

Definitely get some estimates on the roofer and make sure they are reputable!
Thanks for the comments about the lights guys. We tend to do mostly the same thing year to year with little tweaks. This year we added the two trees and the little birds.
2018 shave #328 (DE:120 SE:93 Str:113 Cart:3)
Pre-war Tech w/ Feather (1)

RazoRock synth
Stirling Christmas Eve
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

It was suggest to me to use a Feather with the Tech to make it more efficient since it’s so mild. I’ll have to say it was some improvement, but more DFS+ vs BBS. I think it has to do with the angle and that it’s a bit more finicky than modern razors.

This soap...smells awesome. Nice pine scent from the tub. But when you lather your face, it’s like you shoved your face right into that tree! So good. If I did have some pine scented soap on the way from our own CBL, I’d jump all over this. I’m going to go look and see if they have a EdC or something, but I doubt many people want to walk around smelling like a tree.

Christmas filled day today. Went to look for a tree, but found we were a day early for the big shipment to Home Depot and the other lot we looked at was almost double the price. Wrapped a bunch of presents, and got a lot of work done on some I’m getting ready for my wife. Finally got to the shave in the evening. So come the morning it’ll almost be like back to back shaves again.
Glad and the Feather helped. Hope you can nail down that angle soon!

Christmas filled day today. Went to look for a tree, but found we were a day early for the big shipment to Home Depot and the other lot we looked at was almost double the price. Wrapped a bunch of presents, and got a lot of work done on some I’m getting ready for my wife. Finally got to the shave in the evening. So come the morning it’ll almost be like back to back shaves again.

You know...a nice day trip to Lassen isn’t too bad...$10 per tree tag, up to 2 tags.
Glad you had a nice Christmas filled day. This is my favorite time of year so spending the day wrapping (even though I’m awful at it), shopping, and decorating is right up my alley!

I’m not sure where GSB’s land on the sharpness scale, but I used one in the Tech II today and felt that it was actually a step down in efficiency. Maybe tomorrow will bring us both better results!
GSB are moderately sharp, more smooth than anything else. Definitely not near Feathers in terms of sharpness.
Great shaves Dave. The lights look great.

In my experience, I would recommend having the current layer of shingles removed. In my position, they have us trained by Haag to be able to better assess roof damages. They say that additional layers make the roof more susceptible to hail damage. I would also get a second opinion on cost. That seems high to me.
Great shaves Dave. The lights look great.

In my experience, I would recommend having the current layer of shingles removed. In my position, they have us trained by Haag to be able to better assess roof damages. They say that additional layers make the roof more susceptible to hail damage. I would also get a second opinion on cost. That seems high to me.
Good to know. We don't get hail around here, but I'll definitely look into it more before we do anything.
Glad you had a nice Christmas filled day. This is my favorite time of year so spending the day wrapping (even though I’m awful at it), shopping, and decorating is right up my alley!

I’m not sure where GSB’s land on the sharpness scale, but I used one in the Tech II today and felt that it was actually a step down in efficiency. Maybe tomorrow will bring us both better results!
Ah look at you with your festive avatar!
2018 shave #329 (DE:121 SE:93 Str:113 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (2)

Stirling synth
Siliski Santa's Pipe
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

Since my last shave was only 12hrs before, I opted again for the super mild shave. After watching Josh's video, I figured I'd try out Santa's Pipe. Goes to show how it's hard to buy soaps based on scent notes or what someone else smells. I really hate rose scent and was skeptical about this soap, but I couldn't pass up a Christmas scent. I didn't get any rose at all, so bonus for me! It was another 3/5 in strength for me and all mild baking spices. Mostly cinnamon and clove. I suppose the rose could have gotten into the cinnamon for me. Either way, I'll have to use this dude a few more times before Christmas, and I'll make a sample.

Happy shopping today everyone!
Great stuff Dave. Love the x-mas lights. I will try and get some pics of mine.
I need to get my hands on some Christmas soap. I dropped the hint to my better half earlier today. Maybe she’ll surprise me!

Everyone should have at least 1. It really helps get you into the spirit of the season and a great way to start the day.